Who is main designers of this game? i mean gameplay/mechanics.
For ex, here is the list of famous (it is my list) game designers:SpoilerSid Meier (civilization, ..)
Hidetaka Miyazaki (Dark souls, ...)
David W. Bradley (dungeon lords)
Jeff Kaplan (overwatch)
Gabe Newell (hl2, cs)
Why people always, everywhere writes something like "What happened? lets ask Gina Bruno", "why is this not working properly/nerfed? Gina, help us", Gina, Gina.... she is community manager as far as i know. Where is real game developers? can we see them?
Why ppl on overwatch forum (for ex) ask directly Jeff Kaplan, not community managers? they even dont know who they are!
People ask Gina for information because sharing information with players is her job and as a result she's far more likely to answer than anyone else. I know it sounds strange but most game studios tend to like the developers to work on the game rather than spend time on the forum justifying previous decisions.
Anotherone773 wrote: »
Except EVE, in which the devs interact with community regularly in addition to the usual PR people.
ZoS could take many pages out of CCP`s handbook.
There are certain people in ZOS that have said you can not talk about them in the forums. To me that is the most insane thing, you work for a company that you have responsibility over a department for, or make main policies then you should be nameable and in fact listed in a credits as to what you do.
The forums should be a place for communication between the community and the company.
Getting a wall of silence from any company is never good.
Who is main designers of this game? i mean gameplay/mechanics.
For ex, here is the list of famous (it is my list) game designers:SpoilerSid Meier (civilization, ..)
Hidetaka Miyazaki (Dark souls, ...)
David W. Bradley (dungeon lords)
Jeff Kaplan (overwatch)
Gabe Newell (hl2, cs)
Why people always, everywhere writes something like "What happened? lets ask Gina Bruno", "why is this not working properly/nerfed? Gina, help us", Gina, Gina.... she is community manager as far as i know. Where is real game developers? can we see them?
Why ppl on overwatch forum (for ex) ask directly Jeff Kaplan, not community managers? they even dont know who they are!