For almost 5 years we have has the same pvp experience. In those 5 years we got a couple of changes which were welcome and pretty cool. Then we got battlegrounds. A decent step in the right direction for small scale pvp.
So how cool would it be to have a 7 day instanced pvp zone in the imperial city. Your guild ques for the guild vs guild and is paird with another guild to compete against. With the white gold tower being the main objective to capture for the most alliance score value. All 6 flags would also be worth alliance score but of a significant lower amount. To capture the white gold tower you must siege to break 3 layers of defenses. Claiming and defending this tower would give roughly eaual score of the outer district flags making it the primary goal of the campaign. If you manage to capture the keep and the flags you will gain a score advantage. Which ever guild has the highest score at the end of 7 days are the victor. Your guild would gain ap very much the same way as normal. Killing players capping flags and defending flags.
Let me know your thoughts.