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Magicka DK PVP Builds

Neck-Vampire's Cloak

Bar 1 Gear:
Neck-Vampire's Cloak
Finger1-Vampire's Cloak
Finger2-Vampire's Cloak
Main Hand-Vampire's Cloak (Sword)
Off Hand-Vampire's Cloak (Sword)

Bar 2 Gear:
Neck-Vampire's Cloak
Finger1-Vampire's Cloak
Finger2-Vampire's Cloak
Main Hand-Vampire's Cloak (Sword)
Off Hand-Vampire's Cloak (Shield)

Flame Lash
Burning Embers
Burning Talons
Inner Light
Ultimate-Feriousius Leap

Coagulating Blood
Dragon Fire Scales
Volatile Armour
Flames Of Oblivion
Ultimate-Magma Shell

Is there any way I can improve this and is there anything I should change, and what do you think about my build?

Edited by Exradico on November 6, 2018 12:32PM
  • brandonv516
    You could choose an entirely different 5 piece and put Temporal Guard on your bar for the buff.

    Not that it's terrible but Rattlecage seems redundant. I personally like using PvP Spell Power potions for the buff.

    And Zaan is very situational and can be easily wasted on some targets.

    But if the build works for you, best of luck!
  • Exradico
    The only problem I have with this setup is Magicka. I run out of Magicka very quickly. I have 991magicka recovery even with the drink I use (Witchmother's Potent Brew).
  • Exradico
    You could choose an entirely different 5 piece and put Temporal Guard on your bar for the buff.

    Not that it's terrible but Rattlecage seems redundant. I personally like using PvP Spell Power potions for the buff.

    And Zaan is very situational and can be easily wasted on some targets.

    But if the build works for you, best of luck!

    I like Rattlecage because of it offense and Vampire's Cloak for its defence but the only problem I have with this setup is Magicka. I run out of Magicka very quickly. I have 991 Magicka recovery even with the drink I use (Witchmother's Potent Brew) and this is when I am unbuffed.

    And thank you for your comment.

    Edited by Exradico on November 3, 2018 11:35PM
  • BP_Sparty
    I used to use rattlecage but I found it a lot better to use light armor instead of heavy. more sustain and damage and you can still be decently tanky with the right sets.
  • brandonv516
    You could choose an entirely different 5 piece and put Temporal Guard on your bar for the buff.

    Not that it's terrible but Rattlecage seems redundant. I personally like using PvP Spell Power potions for the buff.

    And Zaan is very situational and can be easily wasted on some targets.

    But if the build works for you, best of luck!

    I like Rattlecage because of it offense and Vampire's Cloak for its defence but the only problem I have with this setup is Magicka. I run out of Magicka very quickly. I have 991 Magicka recovery even with the drink I use (Witchmother's Potent Brew) and this is when I am unbuffed.

    And thank you for your comment.

    Not going to try to push my build on you but if you are interested I run 5 Lich, 5 Impregnable, 2 Slimecraw, 1 Asylum Destruction Staff.

    The advantages to this build are:

    -Sustain is impressive.
    -Slimecraw provides a great boost to damage.
    -Backbar Lich so you can frontbar any other 2 piece (Master, Maelstrom, Asylum, etc.).
    -Can run Heavy or Light as Impregnable is versatile.


    -Farming Lich pieces.
    -Getting Slimecraw shoulders you need.
  • ZarkingFrued
    My Murkmire Mag DK Build, no name, we can call it "Cornholio" if you like

    Currently running bloodthorns touch, valkyn skoria, and shacklebreaker, 5 heavy, 2 light(ensure that waist and gloves are the 2 light pieces), all impen but 1 divines, jewels all arcane trait plus spell damage on jewelry, inferno staff front bar nirnhoned with weapon damage enchant, sword n board backbar (enchants here I like absorb magicka, flame damage is nice tho as well as oblivion damage. Really you wont be light weaving this as much tho so anything works to boost a burst or restore some mag in a pinch)
    Skill bar 1=flame lash, embers, talons, flames of oblivion, elemental drain(here is your sustain all in ele drain.) Shooting star ulti for mage guild passives but can switch to psijic ult for passives, Skill Bar 2=degeneration, reflective plate(easily best morph now for snares), volatile armor, coagulating blood, fossilized, ferocious leap(its our main ulti, it has maybe 200 less damage on this bar but you want to get mage guild passives on both bars and it's just where it fits on my build due to front bar preferences, plus when you use a shooting star it's nice to have the added damage on front bar so no big deal)
    All attributes in magicka. Mundus is the atronach for magicka regen, longfin pasty food helps buff blood and health best. Race=dark elf. In battlegrounds however you do want to run witch mothers potent brew, other than that its BG ready as well as cp or no cp.

    Keep ele drain, embers, and degeneration up 100%. Ele drain is the main source of regen and penetration, without it I have only 2.5k in champion points, none in no cp. Light weave your front bar often to keep enchant and damage up. This is not an easy setup to master if you're used to magicka shield spam and resto setups, your heals are only from ulti, embers, and blood occasionally on oh *** backbar situations, but your ulti gives a shield, so save it for when you need it. easier if you use tri enchants on big pieces to get more health to boost coagulating blood though, additionally you can run the heal morph of flames of oblivion to help heal but you will lose some burst. Still testing that. I use a nirnhoned destro staff, also a defending trait staff is nice so you keep your resistances up on the front destro bar, since no sword n board on front bar you are 2.7k lower resist than backbar. Once again this makes you lose some burst tho. 1 piece protective jewelry is another option for this.

    Very versatile and tanky. All gear but weapons are purple still but I still have 3.1 spell damage, 27.7 k spell resist 23.6k phys resist, 39k mag, 25k health, 18k stam, 1477 mag recovery with 100 points in Arcanist (bloodthorn and ele drain make this more like 1900+ plus ulti restores resources) 2626 crit resist, Use tripots. This builds main weakness is it has low crit, only 32% but everyone stacks crit resist anyhow. I usually have the highest kills in a BG, and already have a few 1vX clips from this build on day 5 so it's working great for me.
    Bloodthorn can be switched for desert rose but you will miss the stam restore a lot imo. Zaans is trash imo, hardly procs and skoria drops constantly plus gives you health.
    Edited by ZarkingFrued on November 4, 2018 1:17AM
  • Rebirthment
    Question, should I continue to run 5 light with a destro/resto build, or switch to 5 heavy s&b build?

    The light armor build im running has great damage and decent sustain, but even with all 7 impen + tri stat glyphs, it still gets shredded by stam classes, especially stamwarden. As for the heavy setup, im not sure how badly my sustain will take or how different the playstyle is in no cp.
  • jaws343
    Premurkmire still for me. But I am running 5 Silks of the Sun, 5 BSW. 2 grothdar. Really solid damage and light armor shield for defense. Running it with flame staff and restro staff. On a dk, wall of elements is brutal. I like to drop it down and petrify players in it.
  • ZarkingFrued
    I have no desire to even try light on any character after seeing Nerfmire gameplay with magicka shield using characters. Its absolute garbo, if they just would have left healing ward alone it would have been playable. No burst heal leaves you in execute range. Done.
  • PouletRico
    Question, should I continue to run 5 light with a destro/resto build, or switch to 5 heavy s&b build?

    The light armor build im running has great damage and decent sustain, but even with all 7 impen + tri stat glyphs, it still gets shredded by stam classes, especially stamwarden. As for the heavy setup, im not sure how badly my sustain will take or how different the playstyle is in no cp.

    I run light armor with destro/resto too and I still enjoy BGs with it. Of course, I die more easily than before Murkmire (it's may change with today's patch, haven't tried it yet) but I really like that playstyle: good damage and heal burst, great CC, mobility with Leap/Grip and Wings salt machine. I think it's a very decent build for BGs.

    For Cyro, I think you need more survivability/tankiness, so switching to heavy may be a good option.
    Edited by PouletRico on November 5, 2018 2:12PM
    @PouletRico - EU PC Megaserver
    PouletRico - TankDK - EP
    Experimental Kamikaze - StamDK - AD

    I'm doing my best, but I'm not a native speaker
  • BlackMadara
    For a mDK, light is better than heavy if you are ever looking to deal damage. You will deal more damage on 5 light with protective jewels compared to 5 heavy with arcane. You will miss the stam return and heading bonus of heavy though.

    Their are three pillars you should bulld toward for a solo style build. Damage, sustain, and tankiness.

    A easy way to do this is to run a damage set, sustain set, and tanky monster set.

    I've broken down quite a few sets to determine their effectiveness based on a base value system. By and far, sustain and tanky sets are more efficient than damage sets. They give more bang for your buck and you can always get more damage from enchants and/or mundus. I prefer a damage set though. Anyway, here are some results:

    Damage - julianos, spinners, silks of the sun, BSW, and innate axiom are the best damage sets, stat wise. Rattlecage is not very efficient at all. You are better off running spell power pots or a buff skill.

    Sustain - lich (the absolute best mag regen if not using mist), bloodthorn, shackle breaker, seducer, alteration mastery, and desert rose (depends on luck or instances of damage hitting you) are the best sustain sets.

    Tankiness - pariah (my favorite), impregnable, riposte, transmutation, and fortified brass are the best. I dont like brass very much. If you run choking talons, ignore riposte. Vampire lord cloak isnt great and you can run psijic ult back bar for minor protection.

    Troll king and bloodspawn are so damn good, they can be your source of mitigation alone, with protective jewels if in light. Even mighty chudan is good but having volatile up for draconic passives are worth it imo.

    So a good baseline bulld is any of the listed 5 pc damage sets, 5 pc sustain sets, and blood spawn or troll king. 5 light, 1 med, I heavy, protective jewels and prismatic enchants on at least the big pieces. If you need more regen, run atro or enchants.

    Figure out how much regen is good for you. I like 1200 buffed. Try to fit a destro staff in your build for elemental, that regen is insane. Ice back bar or flame front. I like flame front, light attack damage is very high if you weave.

    I have a lot more info on efficiency of purely stat based builds. I have broken down my own in a stupid large spreadsheet based on my play style. Feel free to ask for more info. This post is long enough, as is.
  • Ariades_swe
    In small scale I've had alot of success with impreg/overwhelming inferno/s&b.
    Overwhelming 5 set bonus gives so much pressure and procs vulnerability, the 2-4th bonuses are great as well.
  • Exradico
    Ok so how about 2 bloodspawn, 5 julianos, 5 lich?
    Edited by Exradico on November 6, 2018 12:31PM
  • BlackMadara
    Ok so how about 2 bloodspawn, 5 julianos, 5 lich?

    That's a solid set up since its pretty easy to get. Play around with different set ups with that formula until you find what's best for you and your playstyle.
  • TheStealthDude
    For a mDK, light is better than heavy if you are ever looking to deal damage. You will deal more damage on 5 light with protective jewels compared to 5 heavy with arcane. You will miss the stam return and heading bonus of heavy though.

    Their are three pillars you should bulld toward for a solo style build. Damage, sustain, and tankiness.

    A easy way to do this is to run a damage set, sustain set, and tanky monster set.

    I've broken down quite a few sets to determine their effectiveness based on a base value system. By and far, sustain and tanky sets are more efficient than damage sets. They give more bang for your buck and you can always get more damage from enchants and/or mundus. I prefer a damage set though. Anyway, here are some results:

    Damage - julianos, spinners, silks of the sun, BSW, and innate axiom are the best damage sets, stat wise. Rattlecage is not very efficient at all. You are better off running spell power pots or a buff skill.

    Sustain - lich (the absolute best mag regen if not using mist), bloodthorn, shackle breaker, seducer, alteration mastery, and desert rose (depends on luck or instances of damage hitting you) are the best sustain sets.

    Tankiness - pariah (my favorite), impregnable, riposte, transmutation, and fortified brass are the best. I dont like brass very much. If you run choking talons, ignore riposte. Vampire lord cloak isnt great and you can run psijic ult back bar for minor protection.

    Troll king and bloodspawn are so damn good, they can be your source of mitigation alone, with protective jewels if in light. Even mighty chudan is good but having volatile up for draconic passives are worth it imo.

    So a good baseline bulld is any of the listed 5 pc damage sets, 5 pc sustain sets, and blood spawn or troll king. 5 light, 1 med, I heavy, protective jewels and prismatic enchants on at least the big pieces. If you need more regen, run atro or enchants.

    Figure out how much regen is good for you. I like 1200 buffed. Try to fit a destro staff in your build for elemental, that regen is insane. Ice back bar or flame front. I like flame front, light attack damage is very high if you weave.

    I have a lot more info on efficiency of purely stat based builds. I have broken down my own in a stupid large spreadsheet based on my play style. Feel free to ask for more info. This post is long enough, as is.

    I, too, am a fan of the Pariah set. Have you tested out pairing the new Blackrose Arena Resto Staff with it? I feel like healing ward/ward ally should synergize even better now with Pariah.

    My pre-Murkmire setup for no-CP was a light armor build using 5xPariah, 5x Axiom, and 2x Zaans or Grothdar, inferno/resto. Thinking about adding that new Resto Staff set to the backbar and changing Axiom out for BSW.

    Also considering trying out a front bar Greatsword and slotting Onslaught over Leap, in an effort to avoid Major Evasion. Wondering if losing out on the benefits of the inferno staff (w/ elemental drain slotted) is worth the (probably, since this is for No-CP) extra damage and DK sustain synergy from Onslaught + extra abilitiy slot on the front bar.

    Would love to hear your thoughts!
    Edited by TheStealthDude on November 6, 2018 3:42PM
  • BlackMadara
    For a mDK, light is better than heavy if you are ever looking to deal damage. You will deal more damage on 5 light with protective jewels compared to 5 heavy with arcane. You will miss the stam return and heading bonus of heavy though.

    Their are three pillars you should bulld toward for a solo style build. Damage, sustain, and tankiness.

    A easy way to do this is to run a damage set, sustain set, and tanky monster set.

    I've broken down quite a few sets to determine their effectiveness based on a base value system. By and far, sustain and tanky sets are more efficient than damage sets. They give more bang for your buck and you can always get more damage from enchants and/or mundus. I prefer a damage set though. Anyway, here are some results:

    Damage - julianos, spinners, silks of the sun, BSW, and innate axiom are the best damage sets, stat wise. Rattlecage is not very efficient at all. You are better off running spell power pots or a buff skill.

    Sustain - lich (the absolute best mag regen if not using mist), bloodthorn, shackle breaker, seducer, alteration mastery, and desert rose (depends on luck or instances of damage hitting you) are the best sustain sets.

    Tankiness - pariah (my favorite), impregnable, riposte, transmutation, and fortified brass are the best. I dont like brass very much. If you run choking talons, ignore riposte. Vampire lord cloak isnt great and you can run psijic ult back bar for minor protection.

    Troll king and bloodspawn are so damn good, they can be your source of mitigation alone, with protective jewels if in light. Even mighty chudan is good but having volatile up for draconic passives are worth it imo.

    So a good baseline bulld is any of the listed 5 pc damage sets, 5 pc sustain sets, and blood spawn or troll king. 5 light, 1 med, I heavy, protective jewels and prismatic enchants on at least the big pieces. If you need more regen, run atro or enchants.

    Figure out how much regen is good for you. I like 1200 buffed. Try to fit a destro staff in your build for elemental, that regen is insane. Ice back bar or flame front. I like flame front, light attack damage is very high if you weave.

    I have a lot more info on efficiency of purely stat based builds. I have broken down my own in a stupid large spreadsheet based on my play style. Feel free to ask for more info. This post is long enough, as is.

    I, too, am a fan of the Pariah set. Have you tested out pairing the new Blackrose Arena Resto Staff with it? I feel like healing ward/ward ally should synergize even better now with Pariah.

    My pre-Murkmire setup for no-CP was a light armor build using 5xPariah, 5x Axiom, and 2x Zaans or Grothdar, inferno/resto. Thinking about adding that new Resto Staff set to the backbar and changing Axiom out for BSW.

    Also considering trying out a front bar Greatsword and slotting Onslaught over Leap, in an effort to avoid Major Evasion. Wondering if losing out on the benefits of the inferno staff (w/ elemental drain slotted) is worth the (probably, since this is for No-CP) extra damage and DK sustain synergy from Onslaught + extra abilitiy slot on the front bar.

    Would love to hear your thoughts!

    Pariah is my go to set that I have been building around. The tankiness and daring play you can get away with using it is awesome.

    The new black rose resto is interesting, but I try to avoid running resto on my build. That said, I think that staff is amazing and should be utilized if running resto. It synergizes too well with mDK healing boosts.

    I had a set up with bsw before. I found that it had about a 55% uptime and decided to go with spinner instead. BSW is better for setting up burst however. Average dps between spinner and bsw are basically the same but bsw burst potential higher and works well. I just noticed I wasn't setting up burst very well in that window and have to improve my play to get better accustomed to it.

    Idk about 2h. I find that ele drain is too useful personally. It is the difference between me winning or losing most fights. I keep it up, I never run out of magicka and kill things left and right. Low uptime, I run dry and hit the dirt.

    Overall I think 5 pariah, 5 bsw on front bar, and black rose resto back can work but I'd keep the flame staff. All light of course because we wanna actually kill things.
  • Exradico
    Will 5 pariah 5 sun and 2 zaan be good?
  • Fiveboro
    Will 5 pariah 5 sun and 2 zaan be good?

    Not a bad idea. Personally, I dislike Zaan's for PVP. When it does proc you'll burn everything but I feel like it rarely procs and when it does it's always on the wrong target. I think you'd be better off in skoria for burst or grothdarr for AOE pressure.
  • Exradico
    I know that everyone is saying that rattlecage is not good but would 5 seducer 5 rattlecage and 2 blood spawn be good?
  • BlackMadara
    I know that everyone is saying that rattlecage is not good but would 5 seducer 5 rattlecage and 2 blood spawn be good?

    I've tried that exact build but it didn't feel very effective. It wasn't bad, just mediocre.
  • Exradico
    how about 5 spinners 5 pariah and 2 zaan or bloodspawn or skoria ?
  • Fiveboro
    The build I've been running is putting out more damage in Murkmire than i've ever done with a DK. It is a bit squishy due to shielf changes (harness + ward) but im thinking about playing around with protective traits and more health, but if you just want to hit as hard as possible run this:

    -Innate Axiom
    -Burning Spellweave
    -Valkyn Skoria
    -Dual Wield/Resto
    Edited by Fiveboro on November 9, 2018 4:03PM
  • Exradico
    5 alteration mastery, 5 pariah, and 2 zaan or skoria or bloodapawn?
  • BlackMadara
    how about 5 spinners 5 pariah and 2 zaan or bloodspawn or skoria ?

    That is what I run atm. I have been really enjoying it so far. Decided on Skoria but bloodspawn is very useful
  • Exradico
    How about 5 julianos, 5 seducer or alteration mastery or lich, 2 bloodspawn?
  • Exradico
    How about 5 julianos or BSW and 5 shacklebreaker and 2 bloodspawn
  • Exradico
    Is molag kena good?
  • IZZEFlameLash
    Is molag kena good?

    No. Unless you want your already bad sustain class to suffer even worse.
    Imperials, the one and true masters of all mortal races of Tamriel
  • Exradico
    I went 5 bloodthorn, 5 shacklebreaker, and 2 bloodspawn with 36k magicka but only 17k health. How can I improve this?
  • DKsUnite
    Haven't read any of the comments so I'm responding directly to your OP. That build is terrible. Rattlecage is a pretty bad set, you are better off just running spell power pots instead. Vampire cloak is a terrible set, I would never consider running it. Zaan is an okay set, depends on what you are doing with this build but bloodspawn is my go to option for everything.

    I would suggest you run ~1.1k regen with ele drain at a minimum (depends on what and how you use your skills). If you dont want to run a staff, I would say to run 1.8-2k regen at a minimum. I think hitting those regen values if key. Everything else I would invest into damage.

    Prismatic enchants are a must as they will help you achieve respectable HP/stam levels.

    For sets I will always recommend Lich > everything for a sustain set. For a damage set I would recommend axiom.

    Also I would never bar inner light. I see many DKs doing this and I think it's just a waste of a slot. I would recommend inhale/engulfing > inner light. I also dont understand why you would be running degeneration if you have rattlecage in your original build?

    I also wouldn't get caught up in hitting specific numbers for magicka/SD. If you use the build editor and you can achieve a 10k+ whip tooltip without buffs that you can have on 24/7, then go with those numbers. For instance, I have a build that achieves a 10k+ whip tooltip but only has 29k magicka.

    Good luck with your build!
    Vyr Cor | Magicka Dragonknight | DC
    Vir Cor | Stamina Dragonknight | DC

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