Here's an odd question.

Is there any way to
slow down the rate of gaining experience?
There are times when I LOVE zooming to CP points to crush out whatever, but with the new DLC and the relatively newish chapters still out there, along with the HUGE base game, I realize that there is a lot that I just never did because I was in such a rush to "catch up" with others, or to join guilds doing things or what have you.
I am finding that I'm now in that odd place where I want to step back, take a breath, and explore the game again, as if she were new to me all over because I feel with everything that's been added, it could very much be very enjoyable.
Problem is that even just doing the main quest line and the delves and dungeons that you encounter inherently (not to mention the guild quest lines) you can hit CP points before leaving your first zone. Not so much of an issue except that you out level your horse, your crafting, everything -- there is no way to keep the systems on par with each other any more.
I really
DO NOT want this game to revert back to they way it was when it was released, but what I WOULD LOVE is an
option to slow down, to decrease the amount of XP that I get. I would love to halve it, most of the time.
I find it difficult to believe that I am the only one who would enjoy
THE OPTION to turn down the XP just as we have the option to uptick it.
PC/NA - Perpetually casual. Furniture and fish collector. Lover of exploration and opener of urns.
Maxed CPs, still no clue how to endgame, too much time opening urns, prolly.
Eve Morrison - Templar DPS - Furniture Crafter/Maker of Arms - Co-op w/hubby/achievements/crafting
Jilly Narraway - MagDK DPS - Delves/Dungeons/Dolmans - She murders ALL THE THINGS!
Fynn the Lucky - Warden Tank -- Seer of things/Explorer of places - RP/Solo/Storyline/Completionist
Siluna Southpaw - StamDK DPS slippery-fingered type/Murder hobo - RP/Solo/Storyline