I am level 24 trying to send in-game mail with attachments to another player who is level 21. My mail is being returned to me with no reason being given. When I get the mail back, the word "returned" is in the subject line in red letters. The attachments are small things like recipes, a few alchemy or food ingredients. I'm trying to help him fulfill crafting writs by sending him ingredients he's having trouble finding or buying.
This was posted in "players helping players" and no one seemed to know why it was happening. It was suggested to try to trade directly but we live together with one Xbox. We can't be on the game at the same time. We are both ESO Plus members. I am able to receive mail with attachments from other players but he has not tried to send me anything. I am just typing his gamertag in the "to" field. Does it have to be formatted a certain way or any punctuation/symbols added? I have verified that I am spelling his GT correctly and that his inbox is not full.
My GT is ShadokatPH66 and his is Druhsnikinni. Should I submit a ticket or is there something that I am doing wrong? Thank you.