It does not help now, but if in the game for hours and spending that much time in an instanced it is best to restart the game (prob machine).
While some addons cause a memory leak that /reloadui takes care of, ESO has had a memory leak in the game itself that requires a restart. When players are swapping out it is a good time to do that.
Of course, that does not mean it would have prevented a crash, but it could help.
Sorry about your bad luck there.
Sheezabeast wrote: »This is unrelated, but OP I gotta say I love your username. I have a Breton Sorc that I named Illure, your name and her name are really similar
VaranisArano wrote: »Cyrodiil. PC/NA Vivec.
Its primetime. Roebeck is AD's last emp keep and its also got EP's Ghartok scroll.
EP sends 3 raids for the dethrone and the scroll. AD defends. DC sends people for the dethrone.
Its a mess. I disconnect after about 5 minutes of fighting, along with half my EP raid. The remainder carry on, fighting and crashing against AD (who are also crashing). I get back in game, port to Alessia, ride to Roebeck and crash again as I see the walls. I do this five times in a half hour while my teammates in voice comms are having a blast.
We eventually get the dethrone and the scroll. This battle, a massive fight for Cyrodiil's most important objectives, is exactly what Cyrodiil is built for! This is one of the highlights of the campaigns.
Its such a shame that Cyrodiil's lag and performance issues prevent it from being as amazing as it should be.
VaranisArano wrote: »Cyrodiil. PC/NA Vivec.
Its primetime. Roebeck is AD's last emp keep and its also got EP's Ghartok scroll.
EP sends 3 raids for the dethrone and the scroll. AD defends. DC sends people for the dethrone.
Its a mess. I disconnect after about 5 minutes of fighting, along with half my EP raid. The remainder carry on, fighting and crashing against AD (who are also crashing). I get back in game, port to Alessia, ride to Roebeck and crash again as I see the walls. I do this five times in a half hour while my teammates in voice comms are having a blast.
We eventually get the dethrone and the scroll. This battle, a massive fight for Cyrodiil's most important objectives, is exactly what Cyrodiil is built for! This is one of the highlights of the campaigns.
Its such a shame that Cyrodiil's lag and performance issues prevent it from being as amazing as it should be.
Story time!
I'm in a vMoL progression run and we made it the last boss (after 4 hours). After countless tries on Rakkhat and swapping out our tanks (they had to leave), we finally got Rakkhat down to execute phase. I watch his hp percentage go lower and lower....
And the game crashes on me. Jesus effing Christ.
I log back in as quick as I can... Infinite loading screen.
I hear the cheers on discord and know that my night has just been completely and utterly ruined.
Thanks, ESO, for knowing exactly when to crash and completely ruin my night.
Just needed to rant, feel free to share your horror stories!