Maintenance for the week of March 3:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – March 3
• NA megaservers for maintenance – March 5, 4:00AM EST (9:00 UTC) - 11:00AM EST (16:00 UTC)
• EU megaservers for maintenance – March 5, 9:00 UTC (4:00AM EST) - 16:00 UTC (11:00AM EST)
• ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – March 6, 6:00AM EST (11:00 UTC) - 4:00PM EST (21:00 UTC)

What area do you want to see in the next Chapter?

2019 is coming up fast guys and gals. And if the past two years are of any indication, we're going to get a new Chapter around the start of June. What area do you want to see next?

When the next Elder Scroll is written, you shall be it's scribe.
-Martin Septim
Member Since June 9, 2015
  • Banana
    A ping less than 300
  • ccfeeling
    Spell crafting .
  • ForsakenSin
    Necromancer skill line.
    Necromancer class with crown token to change class.


    Do something about the lags already.

    New weapons skill lines ( magica book and one hand sword / staff , pole , halberd )

    Better communication between ZoS and players when it comes to major changes to play style.

    Trial group finder would be nice feature.

    Just few things on top of my head... im sure others have better ideas
    "By many i am seen as a savior of the Tamriel i will not stop until every Daedra every evil there is in Tamriel is vanquish by my hands..
    However i do this for my own purpose to gain trust of mortals to worship me and to eliminate my competition i will not bend my knee to lead your army to serve you Molag Bal , i will simply just take it from you.."--- Forsaken Sin( Magica Sorc)

    Arise From Darkness Forsaken SIn
    "You have been a loyal High Elf Magica Sorc
    Conjure of Darkness, Master of Magic
    Killer of Molag Bal and Savior of Ebonheart Pact
    Until Dark Brotherhood killed you...
    but now..NOW its time to Arise From Darkness once again..."

  • Wizardry
    I think Elswyr but what i want is all of cyrodiil to be on other server and when you go there you can choose which cyrodiil you wants, Cyrodiil of the three banners war (PVP) or the PVE and questing cyrodiil, i really hope the do that thing because i love this province so much!
  • Mayrael
    No ping spikes, most bugs fixed (at least the major ones), no memory leaks... It should be called Nevergoingtohappen (sounds almost like name of some dwemer ruins)!
    Edited by Mayrael on October 29, 2018 5:14AM
    Say no to Toxic Casuals!
    I am doing my best, but I am not a native speaker, sorry.

    "Difficulty scaling is desperately needed. 9 years. 6 paid expansions. 24 DLCs. 40 game changing updates including A Realm Reborn-tier overhaul of the game including a permanent CP160 gear cap and ridiculous power creep thereafter. I'm sick and tired of hearing about Cadwell Silver&Gold as a "you think you do but you don't"-tier deflection to any criticism regarding the lack of overland difficulty in the game." - @AlexanderDeLarge
  • StormChaser3000
    Before Murkmire hit live I wanted more swamps and argonian lands. After it's launch I changed my mind (delves and quests are nice in general, but after 3 days the landscape feels a bit gloomy and the final story quest depressing).

    Bring on sunny Elswyr with its warm sands!
  • Anotherone773
    I would like to see:
    * My character do something when i push a button
    * ESO crash reports only in my memories.
    * The login screen only when i go to it instead of in the middle of a boss fight, zone change, guild store stocking etc.
    * Only bugs that i can kill
    * Housing that isnt limited time and crown base.
    * People not exploiting in BGs.

    Also along the lines of what you intended:
    * The ability to swap between "loadouts" IE: i dont want to spend 20 minutes changing from a good healer to a good dps( and the gold to boot) or from pve to pvp.
    * Trials added to group finder.
    * I would like to see more content designed around two players. Like 2 player dungeons/arena( like maelstrom)
    * Battlegrounds and objectives with a little more ...imagination. Get rid of the 3 group thing at least for some battlegrounds and just make it two groups and make the battlegrounds interesting.
    * Section 8 housing. IE: housing that isnt limited time and for crowns and huge( with still a tiny slot amount). Some small mediums and larges for gold would be nice.
    * Guild Cities/halls.
    * The ability to increase trade slots.
    * New race and new class
    * i could keep going and going and going like that little ring in the bottom right when im trying to login lately.
  • Strychnos
    Realistically, I’d like to see Elswyr! It would be nice to see some Khajiit lore clarified and expanded upon.

    Unrealistically, I’d like to see Akavir or Pyandonea. Probably not happening, but it would be cool!
    lvl50 Characters:
    Toxlexel (Argonian Templar PvE Healer, EP)
    Grove-of-Trees-Swaying (Argonian Vampire NB PvE Tank, EP)
    Kazabi-daro (Khajiit DK PvE DPS, AD)- build under renovation
    Iroas Candaalil (Maormer [Dunmer] PvE Sorc DPS, EP, vMA build)- build under renovation
    Trick-of-the-Light(Argonian Warden PvE Healer, EP)
    Characters being leveled:
    Meera-Ei (Argonian DK PvP Tank, EP, Grove's sister)
  • Palidon
    I don't want to see anymore chapters. ZOS needs to stop with new content and fix all the bugs and performance issues that continually get worse with every added dlc or update.
  • Knootewoot
    I would love to get Solstheim and Dagon fell as one expansion.
    "I am a nightblade. Blending the disciplines of the stealthy agent and subtle wizard, I move unseen and undetected, foil locks and traps, and teleport to safety when threatened, or strike like a viper from ambush. The College of Illusion hides me and fuddles or pacifies my opponents. The College of Mysticism detects my object, reflects and dispels enemy spells, and makes good my escape. The key to a nightblade's success is avoidance, by spell or by stealth; with these skills, all things are possible."
  • Greg11jkalfa
    I was asking what new LOCATION people want to see.
    When the next Elder Scroll is written, you shall be it's scribe.
    -Martin Septim
    Member Since June 9, 2015
  • RPGplayer13579
    The next area should be Western Skyrim. With the three alliances trying to convince them to join their side.
    My Characters.

    Mike Snow - Imperial - Templar - One-Handed and Shield - Tank - Daggerfall Covenant - Commander.
    Catelyn Rivers - Breton - Sorcerer - Destruction Staff - Daggerfall Covenant - Telvanni Magister.
    Ashara Sand - Redguard - Warden - Two-Handed/One-Handed and Shield - Daggerfall Covenant - Heroic.
    Tormund gro-Largash - Orsimer - Dragonknight - Two-Handed - Daggerfall Covenant - Furious.
    Lysa Rivers - Breton - Nightblade - Bow/One-Handed and Shield - Vampire - Daggerfall Covenant - Brassy Assassin.

    Jon Karstark - Nord - Dragonknight - Two-Handed - Ebonheart Pact - Drunk.
    Arya Sand - Dunmer - Dragonknight - Dual Wield - Ebonheart Pact - Assassin.
    Sansa Snow - Impeial - Warden - Destruction Staff/One-Handed and Shield - Ebonheart Pect - Swashbuckler.
    Jojen Reed-Walker - Argonian - Templar - Restoration Staff - Healer - Ebonheart Pact - Melancholy.
    Alys Karstark - Nord - Nightblade - Bow/Dual Wield - Ebonheart Pact - Minstrel.

    Nymeria Woods - Bosmer - Nightblade - Bow - Aldmeri Dominion - Thief.
    Brandon Wings - Altmer - Templar - Restoration Staff - Healer - Aldmeri Dominion - Scholar.
    Lyanna Flowers - Altmer - Sorcerer - Sword/Destruction Staff - Aldmeri Dominion - Duchess.
    Marvolo-jo Riddle - Khajiit - Necromancer - Destruction Staff - Aldmeri Dominion - Deadlands Firewalker.
    Obara Woods - Bosmer - Templar - Bow - Werewolf - Aldmeri Dominion - Cheerful.

  • Mayrael
    I was asking what new LOCATION people want to see.

    And most of the people doesn't care about new zones because they can't play the ones we already have. The game doesn't need new zone, it needs performance and bug fixes, QoL improvements, balance changes etc.
    Say no to Toxic Casuals!
    I am doing my best, but I am not a native speaker, sorry.

    "Difficulty scaling is desperately needed. 9 years. 6 paid expansions. 24 DLCs. 40 game changing updates including A Realm Reborn-tier overhaul of the game including a permanent CP160 gear cap and ridiculous power creep thereafter. I'm sick and tired of hearing about Cadwell Silver&Gold as a "you think you do but you don't"-tier deflection to any criticism regarding the lack of overland difficulty in the game." - @AlexanderDeLarge
  • Contraptions
    UESP suspects it's Elsweyr, no conclusive evidence yet though.
    Patroller and Editor at UESP
  • Iselin
    I want to see that one spot on the road in Grahtwood near the Graymire Wayshrine where you have always been dismounted since 2014 fixed. That would be a good start :)
  • RaddlemanNumber7
    What I'd really like to see is as much a matter of when as it is of where. I would like the next chapter to move forward 5 years in time, and start this new time period with post-war Cyrodiil. I think it's long past time that Imperial character's had a homeland to call their own. Plenty of scope for conflict there - clearing out brigands, mopping up stray daedra and the remnants of legion zero, re-establishing the towns as functioning peacetime communities. Then, may be later, moving towards retaking control of the Imperial City and re-stablishing a central authority.

    We also have to bear in mind that there is likely going to be a new over-arching story line, like the 3 Princes' conspiracy, that stretches over several chapters. How are the story tellers going to link the zones that are left to do - Southern Hammerfell, Elsweyr, Colovian Estates, Western Skyrim? Nothing obvious springs to mind.

    Furthermore, I'm not sure that I want ESO to do Elsweyr. I don't think they have the time or the resources to do justice to the Khajiit morphology. I'm concerned they'll have to butcher it for economic reasons, and then that cheap cludge will become TES canon for ever more.
    PC EU
  • Anotherone773
    I was asking what new LOCATION people want to see.

    OPSA( Original Poster Service Announcement):
    Mayrael wrote: »
    I was asking what new LOCATION people want to see.

    And most of the people doesn't care about new zones because they can't play the ones we already have. The game doesn't need new zone, it needs performance and bug fixes, QoL improvements, balance changes etc.

    Slapping new zones, quests( i havent even made a dent in the thousands??? already available), motifs, dungeons, houses, furniture, etc in the game only to massively break it more than it is is not what most people want to see.

    A majority of players want the game fixed and basic QOL improvements. Like that character order swap on the character select screen. How hard was that to code? Probably started on it after 10 o'clock break and had it ready by lunch. But it makes a big difference to some people and has been asked for a couple of years.

    They keep adding more bugs and crap to the game and not really fixing what we already have. No new zones, just want fixes and for them to get back to things they broke over the years.
  • Sevalaricgirl
    I want a PvE Cyrodiil. I think ZOS did us a bad turn when they made it PvP only. I'm sorry but you can't enjoy an area if it's PvP only.
  • casparian

    I'd much prefer to see revamped base game zones, modern QOL implementation, combat revamp, and bug fixing. ZOS will never have time to focus on that stuff and do more than put out small fires as they pop up, given their laser focus on casual PVE content. The existing game is in moderately poor shape and could use a lot of love; I don't need to see more of the same on a new map.
    7-day PVP campaign regular 2016-2019, Flawless Conqueror. MagDK/stamplar/stamwarden/mageblade. Requiem, Legend, Knights of Daggerfall. Currently retired from the wars; waiting on performance improvements.
  • Nilarynpaw
    Nothing else, but Elsweyr!

    Hmm, okay, maybe the western part of Skyrim with Castle Volkihar.
    A vampire storyline, maybe with new vampire spells and/or customization options.
    PC EU: 810+ CP
    "Only the Aldmeri—the High Elves and their noble allies, the Wood Elves and Cat-Men—have the wisdom and restraint to peaceably rule the disparate peoples of Tamriel. [...] Men always follow the destructive path of their defender and apologist, the Missing God whom we shall not name. [...] The world has gone wrong, and we must put it right. March proudly beneath the eagle banner of the Aldmeri Dominion! "
  • Rake
  • Robo_Hobo
    Elsweyr :)
  • MartiniDaniels
    North Skyrim (Winterhold, Dawnstar, Solitude) with snow elves as new race
  • Gargath
    What area do you want to see next?

    I'd like to see an extended version of Murkmire, area between this and Shadowfen, Black Marsh exposed in it's full beauty.
    Edited by Gargath on October 29, 2018 3:26PM
    PC EU (PL): 14 characters. ESO player since 06.08.2015. Farkas finest quote: "Some people don't think I'm smart. Those people get my fist. But you, I like."
  • ettenmoor
    Working trials.
  • BuddyAces
    Some random daedra to invade nirn and wipe out all life as we know it. The world is devoid of all life. Then slowly there's more life. Then there's big life that goes extinct due to a big ass meteor. Humans start popping up. All cats and lizards are gone. Man dominates. Then catastrophic warfare. Then we emerge from our bunker to build shelters and scavenge for pipe guns while paying money to be OP.
    They nerfed magsorcs so hard stamsorcs felt it,lol - Somber97866

    I'm blown away by the utter stupidity I see here on the daily. - Wrekkedd
  • JimmyJuJu
    North Skyrim (Winterhold, Dawnstar, Solitude) with snow elves as new race

    Agreed. Not sure about a new race, but definitely would like to see more of Skyrim.
  • ImmortalElf13
    Pulchra floralibus mitram iuro, tibi desinet.
  • Rex-Umbra
    Redo Daggerfall/Hammerfall areas to be more sandboxy
    Xbox GT: Rex Umbrah
    GM of IMPERIUM since 2015.
  • Katahdin
    Some of my sustain back

    Constant ping of 120 or less like I used to have
    Beta tester November 2013
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