lvl50 Characters: Toxlexel (Argonian Templar PvE Healer, EP) Grove-of-Trees-Swaying (Argonian Vampire NB PvE Tank, EP) Kazabi-daro (Khajiit DK PvE DPS, AD)- build under renovation |
Iroas Candaalil (Maormer [Dunmer] PvE Sorc DPS, EP, vMA build)- build under renovation Trick-of-the-Light(Argonian Warden PvE Healer, EP) Characters being leveled: Meera-Ei (Argonian DK PvP Tank, EP, Grove's sister) |
Greg11jkalfa wrote: »!!!PSA!!!I was asking what new LOCATION people want to see.
Greg11jkalfa wrote: »!!!PSA!!!I was asking what new LOCATION people want to see.
Greg11jkalfa wrote: »!!!PSA!!!I was asking what new LOCATION people want to see.
And most of the people doesn't care about new zones because they can't play the ones we already have. The game doesn't need new zone, it needs performance and bug fixes, QoL improvements, balance changes etc.
"Only the Aldmeri—the High Elves and their noble allies, the Wood Elves and Cat-Men—have the wisdom and restraint to peaceably rule the disparate peoples of Tamriel. [...] Men always follow the destructive path of their defender and apologist, the Missing God whom we shall not name. [...] The world has gone wrong, and we must put it right. March proudly beneath the eagle banner of the Aldmeri Dominion! "
Greg11jkalfa wrote: »What area do you want to see next?
MartiniDaniels wrote: »North Skyrim (Winterhold, Dawnstar, Solitude) with snow elves as new race