You need to fix the new price meta you’ve caused. You also need to do it the RIGHT WAY... enchants are not the problem (people use them for all sorts of reasons not just the be cheesy), Torugs is not the problem (some tanks and a few niche dps use this as it creates craft able alternatives for non meta builds), dual wield is not the problem (provides as much damage as mag builds can get with staves or close to it AND most pvpers are stam builds who use the skill to make up for a part of their build that is lacking for x reason), and your players are not the problem for exploiting this...
Long story short ZOS you guys ducked up and you need to get your business model straight.
Fix enchants be reverting the change where they proc on all weapon ability damage and not just the initials.
WW/berserker playstyle advocate (I play ALL classes proficiently in PvP outside of WW as well)
ESO player since 2014 (Xbox and PC for PTS)
-DM for questions