I really have a hard time enjoying anything but solo content anymore. The gradual shift of the game's focus over the years has turned what started as a great community to your typical online gaming cesspool.
Everyone in the dungeon finder wants to pull the entire dungeon as fast as possible and burn through everything without pausing to take a breath. They usually don't even bother talking, and will ignore you if you do. Just now, I was put on the queue cooldown twice because I refused to group with two people in the queue who were behaving this way. The healer was barking orders and pulling everything. As soon as I left, both him and his friend started sending me hate tells, calling me all manner of names I'd get banned for repeating here, and telling me how terrible I am despite being over 800 cp (1298, in fact). I won't go into detail on just how "terrible" I am.
This isn't an isolated incident. It's a daily occurrence. This isn't a complaint about the monetization model, although that is a contributing factor. The game has turned into nothing more than a DPS race in every scenario. Nobody is interested in enjoying the gameplay. They just want to grind out to the next goal. There is no incentive to socialize. There is no incentive to play a real tank outside of trials. The best choice is almost always four DPS. Most dungeon queues have DPS pretending to be tanks just to get in faster. If I'm not playing with friends, my tank is relegated to sprinting behind the DPS to keep up. This isn't fun.
The problem is most of the aforementioned friends don't bother playing anymore for the very same reasons. I'm in several guilds, but people are hardly ever interested in helping me with the content I am trying to do because there is so much more to be gained from solo, 'me-first' content. There are too many daily obligations to keep up in ESO these days.
Honestly, the combat team has really let this game fall apart. It's just not fun anymore.
MartiniDaniels wrote: »Devs made a mistake when they allow multiplicative rise of dps instead of linear.. and so in PUG we may receive 5k dps and 50k dps.. no way they can balance this.. and so with "average" 20-25k per dps we have faceroll vet1, blackheaven, tempest etc.. reasonable vet2.. and dlc vets which are punishing if even one person from group doesn't use optimal build.
Compare survivability of top / beginner tank.. it will be 2-3 times max (in plain numbers), and in case of dps it will be 10 times. They just need to change formula.. so "overland" dps will make 10k and "top" dps 25k, that's all, no facerolls, tank and healer will be naturally mandatory and so on.
Problem is you're running with randoms.
I really have a hard time enjoying anything but solo content anymore. The gradual shift of the game's focus over the years has turned what started as a great community to your typical online gaming cesspool.
Everyone in the dungeon finder wants to pull the entire dungeon as fast as possible and burn through everything without pausing to take a breath. They usually don't even bother talking, and will ignore you if you do. Just now, I was put on the queue cooldown twice because I refused to group with two people in the queue who were behaving this way. The healer was barking orders and pulling everything. As soon as I left, both him and his friend started sending me hate tells, calling me all manner of names I'd get banned for repeating here, and telling me how terrible I am despite being over 800 cp (1298, in fact). I won't go into detail on just how "terrible" I am.
This isn't an isolated incident. It's a daily occurrence. This isn't a complaint about the monetization model, although that is a contributing factor. The game has turned into nothing more than a DPS race in every scenario. Nobody is interested in enjoying the gameplay. They just want to grind out to the next goal. There is no incentive to socialize. There is no incentive to play a real tank outside of trials. The best choice is almost always four DPS. Most dungeon queues have DPS pretending to be tanks just to get in faster. If I'm not playing with friends, my tank is relegated to sprinting behind the DPS to keep up. This isn't fun.
The problem is most of the aforementioned friends don't bother playing anymore for the very same reasons. I'm in several guilds, but people are hardly ever interested in helping me with the content I am trying to do because there is so much more to be gained from solo, 'me-first' content. There are too many daily obligations to keep up in ESO these days.
Honestly, the combat team has really let this game fall apart. It's just not fun anymore.
I really have a hard time enjoying anything but solo content anymore. The gradual shift of the game's focus over the years has turned what started as a great community to your typical online gaming cesspool.
Everyone in the dungeon finder wants to pull the entire dungeon as fast as possible and burn through everything without pausing to take a breath. They usually don't even bother talking, and will ignore you if you do. Just now, I was put on the queue cooldown twice because I refused to group with two people in the queue who were behaving this way. The healer was barking orders and pulling everything. As soon as I left, both him and his friend started sending me hate tells, calling me all manner of names I'd get banned for repeating here, and telling me how terrible I am despite being over 800 cp (1298, in fact). I won't go into detail on just how "terrible" I am.
This isn't an isolated incident. It's a daily occurrence. This isn't a complaint about the monetization model, although that is a contributing factor. The game has turned into nothing more than a DPS race in every scenario. Nobody is interested in enjoying the gameplay. They just want to grind out to the next goal. There is no incentive to socialize. There is no incentive to play a real tank outside of trials. The best choice is almost always four DPS. Most dungeon queues have DPS pretending to be tanks just to get in faster. If I'm not playing with friends, my tank is relegated to sprinting behind the DPS to keep up. This isn't fun.
The problem is most of the aforementioned friends don't bother playing anymore for the very same reasons. I'm in several guilds, but people are hardly ever interested in helping me with the content I am trying to do because there is so much more to be gained from solo, 'me-first' content. There are too many daily obligations to keep up in ESO these days.
Honestly, the combat team has really let this game fall apart. It's just not fun anymore.
I really have a hard time enjoying anything but solo content anymore. The gradual shift of the game's focus over the years has turned what started as a great community to your typical online gaming cesspool.
Everyone in the dungeon finder wants to pull the entire dungeon as fast as possible and burn through everything without pausing to take a breath. They usually don't even bother talking, and will ignore you if you do. Just now, I was put on the queue cooldown twice because I refused to group with two people in the queue who were behaving this way. The healer was barking orders and pulling everything. As soon as I left, both him and his friend started sending me hate tells, calling me all manner of names I'd get banned for repeating here, and telling me how terrible I am despite being over 800 cp (1298, in fact). I won't go into detail on just how "terrible" I am.
This isn't an isolated incident. It's a daily occurrence. This isn't a complaint about the monetization model, although that is a contributing factor. The game has turned into nothing more than a DPS race in every scenario. Nobody is interested in enjoying the gameplay. They just want to grind out to the next goal. There is no incentive to socialize. There is no incentive to play a real tank outside of trials. The best choice is almost always four DPS. Most dungeon queues have DPS pretending to be tanks just to get in faster. If I'm not playing with friends, my tank is relegated to sprinting behind the DPS to keep up. This isn't fun.
The problem is most of the aforementioned friends don't bother playing anymore for the very same reasons. I'm in several guilds, but people are hardly ever interested in helping me with the content I am trying to do because there is so much more to be gained from solo, 'me-first' content. There are too many daily obligations to keep up in ESO these days.
Honestly, the combat team has really let this game fall apart. It's just not fun anymore.
I really have a hard time enjoying anything but solo content anymore. The gradual shift of the game's focus over the years has turned what started as a great community to your typical online gaming cesspool.
Everyone in the dungeon finder wants to pull the entire dungeon as fast as possible and burn through everything without pausing to take a breath. They usually don't even bother talking, and will ignore you if you do. Just now, I was put on the queue cooldown twice because I refused to group with two people in the queue who were behaving this way. The healer was barking orders and pulling everything. As soon as I left, both him and his friend started sending me hate tells, calling me all manner of names I'd get banned for repeating here, and telling me how terrible I am despite being over 800 cp (1298, in fact). I won't go into detail on just how "terrible" I am.
This isn't an isolated incident. It's a daily occurrence. This isn't a complaint about the monetization model, although that is a contributing factor. The game has turned into nothing more than a DPS race in every scenario. Nobody is interested in enjoying the gameplay. They just want to grind out to the next goal. There is no incentive to socialize. There is no incentive to play a real tank outside of trials. The best choice is almost always four DPS. Most dungeon queues have DPS pretending to be tanks just to get in faster. If I'm not playing with friends, my tank is relegated to sprinting behind the DPS to keep up. This isn't fun.
The problem is most of the aforementioned friends don't bother playing anymore for the very same reasons. I'm in several guilds, but people are hardly ever interested in helping me with the content I am trying to do because there is so much more to be gained from solo, 'me-first' content. There are too many daily obligations to keep up in ESO these days.
Honestly, the combat team has really let this game fall apart. It's just not fun anymore.
I really have a hard time enjoying anything but solo content anymore. The gradual shift of the game's focus over the years has turned what started as a great community to your typical online gaming cesspool.
Everyone in the dungeon finder wants to pull the entire dungeon as fast as possible and burn through everything without pausing to take a breath. They usually don't even bother talking, and will ignore you if you do. Just now, I was put on the queue cooldown twice because I refused to group with two people in the queue who were behaving this way. The healer was barking orders and pulling everything. As soon as I left, both him and his friend started sending me hate tells, calling me all manner of names I'd get banned for repeating here, and telling me how terrible I am despite being over 800 cp (1298, in fact). I won't go into detail on just how "terrible" I am.
This isn't an isolated incident. It's a daily occurrence. This isn't a complaint about the monetization model, although that is a contributing factor. The game has turned into nothing more than a DPS race in every scenario. Nobody is interested in enjoying the gameplay. They just want to grind out to the next goal. There is no incentive to socialize. There is no incentive to play a real tank outside of trials. The best choice is almost always four DPS. Most dungeon queues have DPS pretending to be tanks just to get in faster. If I'm not playing with friends, my tank is relegated to sprinting behind the DPS to keep up. This isn't fun.
The problem is most of the aforementioned friends don't bother playing anymore for the very same reasons. I'm in several guilds, but people are hardly ever interested in helping me with the content I am trying to do because there is so much more to be gained from solo, 'me-first' content. There are too many daily obligations to keep up in ESO these days.
Honestly, the combat team has really let this game fall apart. It's just not fun anymore.
VaranisArano wrote: »I run an actual tank in normals (which is perfect when I get Darkshade 2 with people who have never run the Engine Guardian before and I get to rez other 3 players, LOL). As long as you aren't being really rude to someone doing the quest, I dont care too much if you run ahead.
But I'm not sprinting to catch up with you. So if you aggro it, you can tank it until I get there.
They only get away with that on easy dungeons - which is probably why so many of them run away like scaredy-cats when a DLC pops up.
Sorry to say , but I really cant enjoy the dungeons I ran over 500 times
Rush and complete the daily quicky ... that's what I do ...
OrdoHermetica wrote: »They only get away with that on easy dungeons - which is probably why so many of them run away like scaredy-cats when a DLC pops up.
To be fair, some of those DLC dungeons are just super long. I admit I regularly drop when I see one, but that's because I don't typically have 1-2 hours to spend on a single random dungeon, not because I'm scared of the content.