Hello guys! Im just wondering why nobody is complaining about this stamblade meta since summerset.... Stamblades getting always stronger and stronger in cyrodiil there are many stamblades in tanky builds just for example: why they got a "dark Cloak" skill wich gaves them way to much healing over just 3 secs and also minor protection let us say the nb have 25k health its pretty much but lets just take this as example they will get 8k heals over 3 secs thats not the way how balancing works.
Nearly all classes got nerfed by murkmire and medium nbs gonna get also buffed against aoe dmg witch shuffle change???? Total they got a skill for minor protection they got a skill for insane healing over just 3 secs they got spectral bow wich is a skill that makes more dmg than all ultis i would say. Probably they cant even get killed by a 1vs1 anymore if they are good and using shuffle now because all dawnbreakers and aoe ultis gonna be useless.
We can already see how vivec is turning more and more into a nb pvp open world zone since murkmire is out also with this rediculous enchant procc changes. One Keep fight with 10 reds 7 Nbs 3 randoom classes just happened last time when i was trying to pvp. Cyro is getting open world zone for stamblades im pretty interested about the numbers while prime time.... How many Nightblades are logged in instead of other classes. Would be pretty nice to get a anwser about this @ZOS_GinaBruno i know youre may not the right person for this but you can maybe get this into a discussion.
One of my biggest questions is also why nightblades in medium can be way harder to kill than any other classes in heavy in my opinion there is no balancing about medium against heavy.......
Sorry for my bad english i tryed my best!
let the flame start
Of all the skills, you complain about Dark Cloak. 8k in 3 secs is nothing compared to my 16k Vigor, which can also crit.
When Evasion helped people dodge all of NB attacks, which are all dodgeable, and thereby gave any Shuffle user, basically, a good deal of proctection against any NBs, it was fine apparently. But to do the same against against templars and wardens, is a big no no. People were dropping medium armor NBs and light armor NBs alike with Steel Tornado spam, which ignores both Cloak and Dodge, NB's primary defense but nobody bats an eye. In fact, several people celebrate it. Suddenly, everyone is given 25% AoE reduction and everyone loses their mind, when they realize that NBs won't be free kills for them.
Bow procs require 5 light attacks to proc, is single target and has no debuff. Shalk of wardens is AoE, does major fracture debuff and hits just as hard.
Last buff NB got was back in One Tamriel, two years ago. One by one, all stealth damage tools were nerfed. Bow heavy, camo hunter, empower, stealth damage all gone. But, as long as it is possible to delete people from stealth, NBs will get hate. It is the same hatred that campers and snipers get in FPS games. In every multiple game I played, people always hate the playstyle that wrecks them without being seen and all the people associated with it. Here, in ESO, NBs bear the brunt of the community's hatred for the same reason. Too bad, I personally enjoy this exact playstyle more than anything else.
Just get a Look About darc cloak if you have 30k plus this Skill is Broken dude and no other clas skill gives you this big ammount of heal over time that fast vigor is another story and Free for all classes sensless way to anwser about that in My opinion but OK.
Medium armor shouldnt reduce any dmg Dodge was OK and maked Sense but tbh Heavy armor is the armor wich should reduce dmg or get even a buff like that Not Medium. There is no balancing between it Trust ME There are enough of Medium nbs arround wich can survive in Open field Also without permanently cloaking (Both cloak morphs) and they can just outheal easylie Inc dmg and with shufle Change its just to Broken. If you couldnt reach this with youre NB than im sorry about that but its the true in dmg and sustain whise Medium and also Heavy nbs are OP since always.
Im totally Fine with a NB wich kills ME easylie or wich does incap over 8-10k or something like that Or even more but if youre Going on Full dmg as NB you shouldnt Be able to survive More than 2 ultimates and thats quiet easy for good nbs especially now with shuffle.
Btw im Not talking about nbs wich are easy to kill im talking about experienced good nbs dont get ME wrong just get a Look about it cyro is filled With those.
And yeah nbs should have a Dodge Chance based skills but other classes not. Just My guessing
VaranisArano wrote: »I'm not complaining, because,
A. I'm pretty sure Nightblades are up next on the chopping block for the nerf hammer
B. I just finally managed to level up a Nightblade past level 20 for the first time despite multiple tries, LOL. I'm just bad at getting into a nightblade's play style,
you are focusing on the wrong class ...
stamdens are on par with and quite often are better than NBs in terms of dps (they not only deal crazy single target damage, but also crazy cleave damage ... regen ult like crazy, self sustain like crazy).
BTW .. if you have difficulty killing medium armor NBs you are most definitely under-experienced (in terms of expertise regarding mechanics / game mastery).
I can just laugh about that just show me how you Gonna kill a Medium shuffle stamblade with a stamden if the NB is experienced enough the stamden Gonna suck with mostly aoe dmg lol stamden is good but Not OP just Play a stamden by youre self now especially against shuffle Users youre done 😂
VaranisArano wrote: »I'm not complaining, because,
A. I'm pretty sure Nightblades are up next on the chopping block for the nerf hammer
B. I just finally managed to level up a Nightblade past level 20 for the first time despite multiple tries, LOL. I'm just bad at getting into a nightblade's play style,
Hello guys! Im just wondering why nobody is complaining about this stamblade meta since summerset.... Stamblades getting always stronger and stronger in cyrodiil there are many stamblades in tanky builds just for example: why they got a "dark Cloak" skill wich gaves them way to much healing over just 3 secs and also minor protection let us say the nb have 25k health its pretty much but lets just take this as example they will get 8k heals over 3 secs thats not the way how balancing works.
Nearly all classes got nerfed by murkmire and medium nbs gonna get also buffed against aoe dmg witch shuffle change???? Total they got a skill for minor protection they got a skill for insane healing over just 3 secs they got spectral bow wich is a skill that makes more dmg than all ultis i would say. Probably they cant even get killed by a 1vs1 anymore if they are good and using shuffle now because all dawnbreakers and aoe ultis gonna be useless.
We can already see how vivec is turning more and more into a nb pvp open world zone since murkmire is out also with this rediculous enchant procc changes. One Keep fight with 10 reds 7 Nbs 3 randoom classes just happened last time when i was trying to pvp. Cyro is getting open world zone for stamblades im pretty interested about the numbers while prime time.... How many Nightblades are logged in instead of other classes. Would be pretty nice to get a anwser about this @ZOS_GinaBruno i know youre may not the right person for this but you can maybe get this into a discussion.
One of my biggest questions is also why nightblades in medium are way harder to kill than any other classes in heavy in my opinion there is no balancing about medium against heavy.......
Sorry for my bad english i tryed my best!
let the flame start
deancorso59 wrote: »Bubosh, the stats you linked in are not op.
The nb has only 30% crit chance which is low on a stamblade. Crit chance is as important as weapon dmg, max stam or pen for dmg output for stamblades especially if they don't use proc sets.
The nb has 25 k spell/phys resistance buffed, sounds great except he has only 23 k health with 2347 crit resist which is really not a lot. A crit build with major fracture and maul / maces hits hard on builds like this to give an example.
And stamblades have had their share of nerfs the last few patches with the nerf to crit heals from cloak and the removal of the stun on incap (at 70 ulti).
deancorso59 wrote: »Well, i use detect pots if they feel like cloaking. And yeah 12 k is a lot of pen, does nothing vs people who stack health rather than resist or play in medium armor instead though.
deancorso59 wrote: »I agree stamblades have it too easy on sustain. I play with same stam stats (35k stam, 3.2 k stam regen) and i never run out of stam, even when i spam dodge roll lul.
I it was up to me i'd nerf relentless focus, this ability is overloaded with goodies, i'd remove the 15% stam regen buff.