Maybe I'm missing something or maybe it's been asked and answered before (I searched the forums, I swear), but why isn't spell or physical penetration displayed on the character screen?
For data that is so critical to calculating damage, I'd think it would be important to display them. I'm no computer genius or, like, computerologist type person but it seems like it should be pretty easy to add a couple of lines of data on the character screen that the game is already calculating and using in damage formulas. Right? Even if it were difficult, somebody would have figured it out after four years, right?
Is there a reason for penetration to not be on the character screen that I have not considered? Maybe like ZoS is saying "let the players work it out, it'll be a fun little math problem everybody can figure out for themselves." But, why for pen and not for Stam or Crit? Maybe there is a good reason, I just can't think of it.
Maybe one of you scholars of computerometry or somesuch other braingenius can enlighten me. Do others agree that this would be good to add? Or is it just tryhard carebear semi-casual nonsense, that nobody really cares about? Does it not matter because PC add-ons resolve the issue for a large part of the player base? Am I just a potato and penetration is displayed somewhere that I haven't seen with my starchy potato eyes?
greenmachine513 PS4-NA
GM of
Aldmeri People's FrontIonien - Altmer Mag Sorc Stormproof | Dr Jonny Fever - Breton Healplar | Bernie Dresden - Dunmer MagDK | Crushasaurus Rex - Argonian Stam DK
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