VaranisArano wrote: »If you've already done the Witchmother's Bargain, you should have the Witchmother's Whistle Memento in your Collections to summon the Cauldron.
The Plundered Masses just requires you to kill a delve boss (among others) and loot the Dremora Plunder Skull from it. I don't believe it requires it to be a new delve boss. So I'm not sure what the problem is that you are seeing here?
FYI: I checked each of the four characters (ones which I play almost every day). Each of them has obtained the Crow Caller "quest" from the Crown Store, and when each one uses it, the megaserver responds: "You have already done this quest."VaranisArano wrote: »If you've already done the Witchmother's Bargain, you should have the Witchmother's Whistle Memento in your Collections to summon the Cauldron.
Granted, I don't know what happens after your character kills a Delve boss. However, after my character (a) kills the principal Delve boss, and thus receives an Achievement for "completing" the Delve; (b) departs the Delve, then (c) subsequently returns to the Delve, the boss is not present and does not respawn upon my character's arrival at that boss's location.VaranisArano wrote: »The Plundered Masses just requires you to kill a delve boss (among others) and loot the Dremora Plunder Skull from it. I don't believe it requires it to be a new delve boss. So I'm not sure what the problem is that you are seeing here?
After yesterday's patch, the Witchmother's Whistle now appears in my Collections and summons the Cauldron.VaranisArano wrote: »Thats bizarre.
1. I haven't heard of players losing Mementos from collections, but I suppose anything's possible in this buggy game. Is it showing up in the "Not Obtained Yet" section of the Mementoes menu or not at all? Anyway, I'd suggest opening a Support Ticket and asking them to unlock it for you, since you've done the quest already. This is a bug, since many other players and I correctly have access to the Witchmother's Whistle and the cauldron.
As to the The Plundered Masses Achievement, all I can say is that I cannot recall any occasion whatsoever when a Delve boss re-spawned after my character returned to a Delve which they "completed" -- except when another player's character was in the Delve at the same time, as I described before.VaranisArano wrote: »2. Delve bosses always respawn, though you may have to wait.
Thats why most of us here are confused, because at least for us, delve bosses respawn, whether another player is present or not. I've certainly had delve and public dungeon bosses respawn in the past when I was alone. For this event, I've had a character logged in right at a delve boss and killed it 3 days in a row, got my Dremora Plunder Skull each day. Same thing for the public dungeon boss - it respawns, I kill it, 3 days in a row, 3 dremora plunder skulls. If your delve bosses are never respawning even when you wait (about 3 minute max, in my experience) you've got a much bigger bug going on, and again, write a Support Ticket. What you notice when other players approaching may just be refreshing the timer and make the respawn trigger faster? But the respawns should happen in time anyway in delves and public dungeons as I've never had a problem with delve bosses respawning. (And no, I'm not confused between delve, public dungeon, group dungeon, and trial bosses.)
Shadowshire wrote: »After yesterday's patch, the Witchmother's Whistle now appears in my Collections and summons the Cauldron.VaranisArano wrote: »Thats bizarre.
1. I haven't heard of players losing Mementos from collections, but I suppose anything's possible in this buggy game. Is it showing up in the "Not Obtained Yet" section of the Mementoes menu or not at all? Anyway, I'd suggest opening a Support Ticket and asking them to unlock it for you, since you've done the quest already. This is a bug, since many other players and I correctly have access to the Witchmother's Whistle and the cauldron.As to the The Plundered Masses Achievement, all I can say is that I cannot recall any occasion whatsoever when a Delve boss re-spawned after my character returned to a Delve which they "completed" -- except when another player's character was in the Delve at the same time, as I described before.VaranisArano wrote: »2. Delve bosses always respawn, though you may have to wait.
Thats why most of us here are confused, because at least for us, delve bosses respawn, whether another player is present or not. I've certainly had delve and public dungeon bosses respawn in the past when I was alone. For this event, I've had a character logged in right at a delve boss and killed it 3 days in a row, got my Dremora Plunder Skull each day. Same thing for the public dungeon boss - it respawns, I kill it, 3 days in a row, 3 dremora plunder skulls. If your delve bosses are never respawning even when you wait (about 3 minute max, in my experience) you've got a much bigger bug going on, and again, write a Support Ticket. What you notice when other players approaching may just be refreshing the timer and make the respawn trigger faster? But the respawns should happen in time anyway in delves and public dungeons as I've never had a problem with delve bosses respawning. (And no, I'm not confused between delve, public dungeon, group dungeon, and trial bosses.)In conclusion, I suppose that I must send the character who already has Achievements for "completing" all of the Delves into one or more of them to see whether they can find and kill the boss, regardless of whether another player's character(s) participate in the fight. If my character cannot find any primary boss in a Delve which they completed, then I suppose that I must submit an inquiry to Support about it.
- Of course, on occasion, a Delve boss re-spawns after the fight while my character loots barrels, crates, sacks, etc., in the vicinity of the boss before leaving. Sometimes the character can avoid triggering an attack by the boss, else the character may be forced to either flee or to kill the boss again. But after my characters have left the Delve, then returned for some reason or another -- usually to search for a Lorebook -- they have never encountered the boss again, except under the circumstances that I described before.
- Note that since my character receives an Achievement for killing the primary Delve boss, there does not appear to be anything wrong when the character returns and doesn't find the boss again. Since a character cannot be awarded that Achievement for "completing" the Delve more than once, why would the boss respawn? For what it is worth, I can imagine several reasons as to why this could occur with my characters, whether it also occurs with other player's characters who also have had no reason so far to question why the game works as it works for us.
- Also, quite often my returning hero doesn't find any other NPCs or MoBs after re-entering a Delve that they have "completed". On occasion, my character encounters another player's character upon re-entering a completed Delve while the other is leaving. So it is possible that the departing character has killed the boss and/or other NPCs and MoBs that have not respawned yet. Frequently, however, I don't encounter any other player's character while my character is in the completed Delve -- except, perhaps, one or more who are arriving as my character is leaving.
Sometimes, it seems that God has cursed me with the ability to discover arcane bugs in software that no one has ever found before. Sometimes they are caused by a change(s) -- perhaps a mistake in making the change -- in a feature of the software which often has no readily evident relation to the bug that I find in some other feature. Yeah, I could tell you a lot of stories about that. <sigh>
That is probably what was occuring with my character(s). The first character was created when I began playing TESO in 2014, the second was a character that I created about two years ago. With the first character, I did look for the Whistle more than once but never found it. With each of the other four, I looked in Collections > Mementos at least once, usually shortly after I selected them to play.Veinblood1965 wrote: »The whistle was gone a few times when I looked under mementos but after a few minutes it showed back up. Not sure why.
Shadowshire wrote: »[*] When my characters obtain the Crow Caller from the Crown Store and use it, the gameware outputs a mesage: "You have already done this quest." So I cannot follow the "Witchmother's Bargain" quest to gain use of the Witchmother's Cauldron. Is there some other way to do that wich I have not found? Right?
Shadowshire wrote: »[*] There is not one delve in Tamriel in which at least one or more of my four characters has not killed the delve boss. (The fifth character is a mule toon.) In my experience, a character ordinarily doesn't receive any recognition for doing the same thing twice. So, it is impossible for more than one or two of them (if any) to satisfy the criteria for the Witches Festival: The Plundered Masses achievement. If your work-around is to create another character and level-them up enough quickly enough before the festival ends, then think again. I don't have time to make the effort regardless of XP Bonuses. Even if I did, then what would be the point?
Shadowshire wrote: »@Chykimonkey @PraeliatorPNW @Jayne_Doe @jaws343 @Veinblood1965
As you may be aware, many "Delves" such as caverns, tombs, mines, and ruins cannot be entered until and unless the charcacter is following a Quest which is not repeatable. So, all Delves are not "public" with respect to being accessible to each and every player's character at any time the player chooses. Further, often such a Delve cannot be re-entered after the player character has received the reward for completing the associated Quest. In my experience, the NPCs, MoBs, and bosses do not re-spawn in those which a character can re-enter -- unless there is another player's character present who is following the Quest.