Crystal Leech Jar?

This dropped in the dremora skull this morning. Is it worth anything but gold? I thought maybe it was a housing item, but mousing over it just calls it Treasure, Ritual Objects type, and worth 100 gold.
  • BuddyAces
    Just sell it.
    They nerfed magsorcs so hard stamsorcs felt it,lol - Somber97866

    I'm blown away by the utter stupidity I see here on the daily. - Wrekkedd
  • starkerealm
    Technically, you can use those for a repeatable thieves guild quest... if you get the exact one that requests ritual objects (which might not exist.)

    But, in general, no. Treasure items are only valuable for selling.

    EDIT: and, yeah, that's a green. You'll make more money selling it than you would turning it in for that quest.
    Edited by starkerealm on October 20, 2018 8:05PM
  • Sylvermynx
    Okay, thanks to both of you!
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