This is probably a dumb question or whatever, but basically, need to complete an alchemy master writ, used the Alchemy Calculator, and I can get all the 3 traits I need, but it always becomes a Drain Health Poison IX instead of a Damage Health Poison IX. I assume they're not one and the same?
I need to make a Damage Health Poison IX with Ravage Health, Ravage Magicka, and Speed.
Blessed Thistle + Emetic Russula + Scrib Jelly
Or Blessed Thistle + Violet Coprinus + Scrib Jelly
give me the three traits I need and its a Health poison, but its a Drain instead of Damage. Does that matter? Or is it basically the same thing?
I've been trying every combination possible with the alchemy calculator for the last two hours but can't get a single 3-ingredient potion with the Damage name instead of Drain.
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