Sounds good, this should work. Keep BSW on your front bar only so you are on your damage bar when it procs.
Shacklebreaker does well in battlegrounds, however in Vivec I would go for another damage set, use tri glyps to get stam and use mag recover mundus
I would say, BSW, Julianos (craftable so heavy is option), Valkyn Skoria.
Get recovery from mundus and food, or infused jewerly with mag recovery enchant.
but I am not the expert. Did watched this clip that looked really good :
5x Shacklebreaker Body - Heavy chest, Medium legs - Impen - Max Magicka
3x BSW Jewelry - Arcane - 2x Spell Damage 1x Recovery
1x BSW Inferno - Infused - Flame Damage enchat
1x Maelstrom Resto - Sharpened - Absorb Magicka (This is something I have in inventory, can switch to BSW resto or other)
2x Valkyn Skoria - Light - Divines - Max Magicka
Mundus: Unsure - Running thief at the moment
Food: Blue food
Pots: Probably tri pots
Front bar: offensive skills - whip, embers, engulphing flames
Back bar: defensive and heal skills - Shields, mutagen
Basically, I have the BSW and monster set and am looking for a body set. I wanted to get some feedback before I spend the mats. I play Vivec in large groups usually
5x Shacklebreaker Body - Heavy chest, Medium legs - Impen - Max Magicka
3x BSW Jewelry - Arcane - 2x Spell Damage 1x Recovery
1x BSW Inferno - Infused - Flame Damage enchat
1x Maelstrom Resto - Sharpened - Absorb Magicka (This is something I have in inventory, can switch to BSW resto or other)
2x Valkyn Skoria - Light - Divines - Max Magicka
Mundus: Unsure - Running thief at the moment
Food: Blue food
Pots: Probably tri pots
Front bar: offensive skills - whip, embers, engulphing flames
Back bar: defensive and heal skills - Shields, mutagen
Basically, I have the BSW and monster set and am looking for a body set. I wanted to get some feedback before I spend the mats. I play Vivec in large groups usually
First and foremost I would run 5xL 1H 1M for any MagDK builds. You can build yourself to still be tanky enough because of Volatile Armor and it's wayy more important for DMG and Recovery to be in light. Your setup will definitely work and is similar to what I run. I just swapped out shacklebreaker for Innate because i feel like i hit a lot harder with it. Run witchmothers and recovery mundus to help with recovery. I rarely have sustain issues with just 1500 mag recovery that's your sweet spot on DK. Once you have 1300-1600 recovery everything else needs to be focused on increaased spell DMG and penetration. Aso everything needs to be impen. Resto back bar I don't see a need to run mutagen although i know a lot of people do. Just run volatile armor, healing ward, absorb magicka and you're golden all your healing is going to come from burning embers the rest should just be shielding.
Why sword and board front?
5x Shacklebreaker Body - Heavy chest, Medium legs - Impen - Max Magicka
3x BSW Jewelry - Arcane - 2x Spell Damage 1x Recovery
1x BSW Inferno - Infused - Flame Damage enchat
1x Maelstrom Resto - Sharpened - Absorb Magicka (This is something I have in inventory, can switch to BSW resto or other)
2x Valkyn Skoria - Light - Divines - Max Magicka
Mundus: Unsure - Running thief at the moment
Food: Blue food
Pots: Probably tri pots
Front bar: offensive skills - whip, embers, engulphing flames
Back bar: defensive and heal skills - Shields, mutagen
Basically, I have the BSW and monster set and am looking for a body set. I wanted to get some feedback before I spend the mats. I play Vivec in large groups usually
First and foremost I would run 5xL 1H 1M for any MagDK builds. You can build yourself to still be tanky enough because of Volatile Armor and it's wayy more important for DMG and Recovery to be in light. Your setup will definitely work and is similar to what I run. I just swapped out shacklebreaker for Innate because i feel like i hit a lot harder with it. Run witchmothers and recovery mundus to help with recovery. I rarely have sustain issues with just 1500 mag recovery that's your sweet spot on DK. Once you have 1300-1600 recovery everything else needs to be focused on increaased spell DMG and penetration. Aso everything needs to be impen. Resto back bar I don't see a need to run mutagen although i know a lot of people do. Just run volatile armor, healing ward, absorb magicka and you're golden all your healing is going to come from burning embers the rest should just be shielding.
@Fiveboro Thanks for your reply. I'm actually really intrigued by axiom since most damage skills I planned on using are class skills. I will be running 5/1/1 light for sure. What enchants do you run on body and what jewelry traits are you running?
5x Shacklebreaker Body - Heavy chest, Medium legs - Impen - Max Magicka
3x BSW Jewelry - Arcane - 2x Spell Damage 1x Recovery
1x BSW Inferno - Infused - Flame Damage enchat
1x Maelstrom Resto - Sharpened - Absorb Magicka (This is something I have in inventory, can switch to BSW resto or other)
2x Valkyn Skoria - Light - Divines - Max Magicka
Mundus: Unsure - Running thief at the moment
Food: Blue food
Pots: Probably tri pots
Front bar: offensive skills - whip, embers, engulphing flames
Back bar: defensive and heal skills - Shields, mutagen
Basically, I have the BSW and monster set and am looking for a body set. I wanted to get some feedback before I spend the mats. I play Vivec in large groups usually
First and foremost I would run 5xL 1H 1M for any MagDK builds. You can build yourself to still be tanky enough because of Volatile Armor and it's wayy more important for DMG and Recovery to be in light. Your setup will definitely work and is similar to what I run. I just swapped out shacklebreaker for Innate because i feel like i hit a lot harder with it, I tried innate vs shackle vs silks of sun vs julianos and it could all be in my head but innate axiom seems to perform the best for me. Run witchmothers and recovery mundus to help with recovery. I rarely have sustain issues with just 1500 mag recovery that's your sweet spot on DK. Once you have 1300-1600 recovery everything else needs to be focused on increaased spell DMG and penetration. Aso everything needs to be impen. Resto back bar I don't see a need to run mutagen although i know a lot of people do. Just run volatile armor, healing ward, absorb magicka and you're golden all your healing is going to come from burning embers the rest should just be shielding.
5x Shacklebreaker Body - Heavy chest, Medium legs - Impen - Max Magicka
3x BSW Jewelry - Arcane - 2x Spell Damage 1x Recovery
1x BSW Inferno - Infused - Flame Damage enchat
1x Maelstrom Resto - Sharpened - Absorb Magicka (This is something I have in inventory, can switch to BSW resto or other)
2x Valkyn Skoria - Light - Divines - Max Magicka
Mundus: Unsure - Running thief at the moment
Food: Blue food
Pots: Probably tri pots
Front bar: offensive skills - whip, embers, engulphing flames
Back bar: defensive and heal skills - Shields, mutagen
Basically, I have the BSW and monster set and am looking for a body set. I wanted to get some feedback before I spend the mats. I play Vivec in large groups usually
DirkRavenclaw wrote: »5x Shacklebreaker Body - Heavy chest, Medium legs - Impen - Max Magicka
3x BSW Jewelry - Arcane - 2x Spell Damage 1x Recovery
1x BSW Inferno - Infused - Flame Damage enchat
1x Maelstrom Resto - Sharpened - Absorb Magicka (This is something I have in inventory, can switch to BSW resto or other)
2x Valkyn Skoria - Light - Divines - Max Magicka
Mundus: Unsure - Running thief at the moment
Food: Blue food
Pots: Probably tri pots
Front bar: offensive skills - whip, embers, engulphing flames
Back bar: defensive and heal skills - Shields, mutagen
Basically, I have the BSW and monster set and am looking for a body set. I wanted to get some feedback before I spend the mats. I play Vivec in large groups usually
Sounds nice, my MAG DK PVP uses 5 Shacklebreaker Heavy, 5 Bloodthorn, Fire and Shockstaff with 2 Valkyn Skoria and the Lover Mundus for extra Spell DMG
DirkRavenclaw wrote: »5x Shacklebreaker Body - Heavy chest, Medium legs - Impen - Max Magicka
3x BSW Jewelry - Arcane - 2x Spell Damage 1x Recovery
1x BSW Inferno - Infused - Flame Damage enchat
1x Maelstrom Resto - Sharpened - Absorb Magicka (This is something I have in inventory, can switch to BSW resto or other)
2x Valkyn Skoria - Light - Divines - Max Magicka
Mundus: Unsure - Running thief at the moment
Food: Blue food
Pots: Probably tri pots
Front bar: offensive skills - whip, embers, engulphing flames
Back bar: defensive and heal skills - Shields, mutagen
Basically, I have the BSW and monster set and am looking for a body set. I wanted to get some feedback before I spend the mats. I play Vivec in large groups usually
Sounds nice, my MAG DK PVP uses 5 Shacklebreaker Heavy, 5 Bloodthorn, Fire and Shockstaff with 2 Valkyn Skoria and the Lover Mundus for extra Spell DMG
Thanks. Settled on Axiom BSW Valkyn. Liking it so far as I feel like I have nice damage output and have been holding my own in BGs. Might transmute the jewelery to protective to be even more tanky
JumpmanLane wrote: »Right now I run DW Destro Spinners Julianos Arcane Jewelry All Spell Damage. 1 Kena 1 Balorgh. For resources Ele Drain, pots, deep thoughts, sprinting and heavy attack.
All I want my sets to do (glyphs included) is give me damage. I’d rather DO something than have sets GIVE me something like sustain.
For survivability I likewise would rather skill carry me, (kiting, LOSing etc).
Bright throats Julianos with that clockwork injection stuff might be how I’ll go next batch. 2H Destro or Destro Destro (flame/ice) if DW glyphs are nerfed. Or Julianos Sun, 1 kena, 1 Balorgh. Or maybe just stick with spinners Julianos.
I think a lot of people start with survivability then sustain then damage. I think a preferable place to start is raw damage and work back from there. Otherwise, you’d probably not develop certain skills (like managing sustain and staying alive no matter what) if you’re running a heavy armor high sustain unkillable tank that hits like a wet noodle.