Swamp Jelly Pet questions

Here's the list of parts I think I need for the pet:

Swamp Jelly Moss Bedding
Swamp Jelly Spawning Mud
Swamp Jelly Luring Flute
Swamp Jelly Carrying Jar
Swamp Jelly Hunter’s Lens
Swamp Jelly Fine Mesh Net
Swamp Jelly Luminous Fishmeal

When I get the parts do I wait til I have all 7 before "using" them?

Do I have to use them in any specific order?

Is the pet bound to the character using them or is the pet server wide?

Help is appreciated in advance.
  • LordLomax
    Yes when you get all seven press use on one of them it combines them into a runebox which you can use or sell to other players by zone chat or In Guild store . If u use it , the pet is account wide .
  • Romo
    LordLomax wrote: »
    Yes when you get all seven press use on one of them it combines them into a runebox which you can use or sell to other players by zone chat or In Guild store . If u use it , the pet is account wide .

    Thank you @LordLomax .
  • SydneyGrey
    Right-click on one of them to see the "use" option, I believe
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