With the changes to pets and shields, it appears that challenging solo content may soon be out of reach for pet sorcs. So, I've been trying to enjoy the good times for a few more days before moth-balling this toon and dusting off a stamblade or the like.
Part I: What are your suggestions and challenges suitable for a solo, mid-tier sorc player to attempt before the hammer falls? Any thoughts of other content that could belong on the bucket list? I'm looking mostly for experiences that will fit the: "I remember when you could do.... on a pet sorc" This is the list I'm working on (not completed, mind you, just working on):
Veteran Maelstrom Arena (of course)
Craglorn world boss of choice
Craglorn celestial rift
Wrothgar world boss
Morrowind world boss
Assorted normal, non DLC dungeons
Normal City of Ash II (putting dungeons in due to taunt loss, maybe they don't belong... )
Vet Fungal Grotto I
Part II: What's one of your top solo Sorc achievements or memories? Finishing VMA was likely mine. Pet-sorc was my first clear. I was running like mad, pushing who knows what keys in an effort to get away from some mob. Resources were gone, health was steadily dropping, and suddenly it was over. The boss died to a DoT, or maybe a pet, and I didn't even see it. Good times!