The rewards for BG need some serious improvement. Most of the time I’m on I’m playing BGs and while the amount of AP is good the amount of gold could definitely be increased some. Also the current armor drops are to the point now they’re almost worthless to sell at traders anymore.
A solution for this would be to include all the PvP based armor sets in all the after match drops not just rewards for the worthy. The outfit pages should also be tradable so they can be sold at guild traders.
The daily bounties should also contain reward boxes not just AP.
Maybe add some more BG achievements and better rewards than just titles to the reward for getting them. These could be BG costumes, pets, mounts, etc.
While I enjoy playing BG it’d just be nice to get something better than AP for it since as a currency it’s become kind of worthless at this point since there’s not anything new to buy and the daily outfit page drops can’t be purchased for AP.