Title sorta covers it. What do folks like in terms of tank choice, DK or Warden? Now I know other classes can tank and all but this is asking in reference of those two in particular. I have one of each and am just trying to decide a playstyle that suits. Granted, I am used to WOW tanking (Deathknight) where the more damage you did the better a tank you were...odd design I know, but fun!
But coming to ESO its a whole new ballgame whereas its not about the damage at all, its holding the bad guys (tanking 101) and then utility...just which sort, shields or healing?
So what seems to be the flavor of the month and does any particular one stand above or is it more a a matter of the type of run you are doing? I know
@Liofa runs a Warden and does so pretty well, or so I hear as I have never ran with him nor I doubt I ever will, but not the point. And Woeler runs Dk if I am correct so I guess it does just come down to what one wants to provide, shields or heals?
I do like that DK's have synergies with their aoes (talons) that can help dps but then Warden has few if I recall,only from heals I think. Warden "feels" different and the whole ice thing is kinda cool so yea, what do you all like playing, and why? Now, I am not talking end game leaderboard stuff but using that as reference makes sense since a lot of you do those.
I dunno, just trying to get a feel for whats out there and why, that's all. Cheers!