Something killed me so i'm gonna go to the forums and demand nerfs...
Ragnarock41 wrote: »
PhoenixGrey wrote: »Stamina nightblade
Source: ZOS balance
The game is being balanced for the average pvper already. thats why every patch small scale gets nerfed and zergs get buffed.
VaranisArano wrote: »
The problem isnt that you're red. Its that the shield over your head is yellow or blue.
It could be argued that these small scale nerfs are justified, really when it comes down to it what's more of an issue balance wise? Your build that can take on 20 players and never drop below 50% hp yet burst someone instantly, or people playing how multiplayer games are meant to be, in a group working together to win? Just because the 20 are worse than you doesn't mean you should win since they have numbers, it's not realistic. Just my opinion though.