Do you know Skyreach Hold and Skyreach Catacombs? Do you know Spellscar and the inside? And Shada's Tear? The Seeker's Archive? Rahni'Za, School of Warriors?
What do you think about these contents? Did you like it? Is the content fun? The only problem is the reward? If the rewards were better, would it be more fun to do the daily quest of these places? Or not? I don't want to know your opinion about the difficulty. Anyway, would you like to see these contents in future Chapters? See, I'm not talking about whole Craglorn. I'm talking about these specific contents.
Do you think the current content is good? What did we have in Morrowind and Summerset? I tell you:
- 15-17 (Main/Side Solo) Quest Hubs.
- 6 Delves.
- 6 Group Bosses.
- 2 Public Dungeons.
- 1 Trial.
- 10-12 Areas of Interest (that eye symbol).
- 3 Battlegrounds (in Vvardenfell).
- 6 Geysers (in Summerset).
If we count, Vvardenfell and Summerset maps are filled by 47 Points of Interest each. Do you think Chapters and DLCs should have new contents?
In my opinion, yes. Like this (and the map would still be filled by 47-48 Points of Interest):
- 12-15 (Main/Side Solo) Quest Hubs.
- 6 Delves.
- 6 Group Bosses.
- 2 Public Dungeons.
- 1 Trial.
- 9 Areas of Interest.
- 3 (not 6) Dolmens/Geysers (like the Vanilla maps).
- 6 New contents.
Let's discuss this?