Looking for a Raid Guild

Soul Shriven

I´ve done a lot of raiding in my time and since I´m slowly getting into the endgame of ESO, I´m looking for a guild to start doing that again.
The most important thing to me is prepared players. I don´t need a "all HM - no death - ..." - guild and am satisfied with doing content that gives me the best gear (don´t get me wrong, I don´t mind score runs etc. either. It´s just not important to me). What I mean by that is knowledge of the encounter mechanics and a quick learning curve - if you have players who need 30 tries to handle a boss's mechanics thats totally fine but a little slow for me to have fun. Also I will commit at most to 2 days of raiding each week. I don´t mind doing more if I´m online and something is going on though. :-)

I am 25 years old german maths student and play a Magsorc as main. I´ve only been playing for a month and a half but have made decent progress:

close to 300CP
>30k dps on Dummies selfbuffed, no Lover mundus
vMA is cleared - going to farm the Staff now.
Have no experience in Vet trials (as its quite hard to PUG at my CP level) but done some DLC vet dungeons (vWGT, vRoM, vBF).

I expect my damage to increase by about 10k just from the vMA staff and the missing CP levels (that´s based on some testing of a friend and what I´ve read online. May well be wrong about that.)

If my profile is somehow interesting to any of you please message me online (@Topoi) or in the forums. I´m fine with being benched for a while until my CP´s are up to snuff. But I want a prospective guild (and join in non progress runs at least) so I can get to know the people and learn some more. I´m still missing alot of knowledge about "theory crafting" in ESO - which is something I very much enjoy doing.

Have a good day

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