We are currently investigating issues some players are having on the megaservers. We will update as new information becomes available.
We are currently investigating issues some players are having with the ESO Store and Account System. We will update as new information becomes available.
In response to the ongoing issue, the ESO Store and Account System have been taken offline for maintenance.
CP Battleground disparity, a tail of a scrubs tears.
I'm not one to come QQ on the forums. But somethings gotta give. BGs used to be really really fun below level 50. Kill some, die some, win, lose, didn't matter because the objectives made it fun. Now it seems like every match I'm steamrolled by elite groups of hardened Pvp players. I applaud their teamwork and coordination in dropping 4 ultimates on a single player. Hard stacked and moving in unison, it's impressive... But I'm just a casual player. I don't have an elite team and don't spend hours in Cyrodiil, I just like to login and run a few BGs after work. If they had some place else to go, like a CP battleground or let us lock our XP to stay below 50? I guess my issue is there such a disparity between >50 BGs an <50 BGs. Sure I could start another build and delete it at 50, but grinding gear every 10 lvls is a massive waste of my time and feels more like work then fun. My next complaint is that drain resource poisons are far too common and far too effective. We already lack the regeneration of the CP tree, why let people drain you to nothing in seconds with no way to counter it, even with a potion that restores what, 10% of my resource pool? Next is the issue of unending and unbreakable CCs.. Why have two types of crowd controls? Why not have CC immunity shared by soft and hard CCs? My Stam pool on Mag builds is already small, my Stam pool on Stam builds is already used, both are drained by poisions... Thus ends my rant, and sorry in advance that even after 4 years of Eso I fail to L2P and Git Gud but somethings can't be fixed by my Beta monkey....