Poll before proposing a nerf: DO YOU THINK BLEEDS ARE A PROBLEM IN PvP AND WHY?

I'm making this poll before suggesting any nerfs as I have a couple ideas how to deal with this problematic. I come across very strong bleed builds quite rarely, but that could be given my high HPS build which not everybody runs. Now since we want to avoid homogenisation of builds here on ESO, as that is what makes this game so great and unique I've decided to take a slightly different approach. Would like to see some CONSTRUCTIVE & INTELLIGENT INPUT FROM PLAYERS before making any suggestions whatsoever.

Thanks for everyone's input.
Edited by Nyladreas on October 12, 2018 12:53AM

Poll before proposing a nerf: DO YOU THINK BLEEDS ARE A PROBLEM IN PvP AND WHY? 199 votes

Yes bleeds need to be changed/adjustend - not necessarily nerfed - Explain why/how.
PasdevAndferneNicko_LpsEvergnarKeriokoTonturriItoqBalticBluesEmma_OverloadPaganiniPeekachu99wolfxspicebrandonv516Sleep724MyNameIsEliasDKsUniteNyladreasSkanderRamiroCruzoJierdanit 29 votes
Yes bleeds need to be changed/adjusted IN ADDITION to a nerf. - Explain why/how.
vailjohn_ESOleandro.800ub17_ESOSheezabeastMalthorneTroneonolsborgLord_HevWaylander07Tan9oSucckaKingKobraBosovTiberXAiryusFloppyTouchMarabornwingrionInsanepirate01Micah_BayerHyzockKyuremBlackExtinct_Solo_Player 28 votes
I think bleeds are fine in their current state - Explain why/how.
otis67MadyElsterchenScardyFoxNebthet78WolfpawbottleofsyrupAztlanAshtarisAhPook_Is_HereSkoomahKolacheLatiosdarkstar2084AsgariEirellaTequilaFireNemeliomTeeba_SheiVevvev 84 votes
Bleeds are weak - Explain why/how.
stojekarcub18_ESOMiraslovaDanteYodaAlexTheLionKadoinAmdar_GodkillerWaltherCarrawaydanger241PrinceSkippyKingslayer513rumple9 11 votes
Bleeeds aren't the problem, it's other factors that force bleeds to be so prominent - Explain why.
Solarikenola.wilhelmssonb16_ESOYukon2112WingJackDaniellStrider__RoshinNightAngel690CasulzykIlCanis_LupuslIkaiagesupaskrubVicarrageneralmyrickphontom78kissCompM4sNumerikuuweedgeniuscolossalvoidstherift 25 votes
Other - Suggest ideas.
GythralSavos_SarenBRogueNZstarlizard70ub17_ESOStreegaHvzedaSugaComaweg0dotmeChrysa1isRagnorkMorgul667Trinity_Is_My_Nameeso_nyaEl_BorrachoPeacatcherGirl_Number8HappyLittleTreeBergzornMoonsorrow 22 votes
  • Arandear
    I'm sure I keep moving from using certain builds because they get nerfed and as soon as I begin using another method, it gets nerfed too. :s;)
  • Girl_Number8
    Other - Suggest ideas.
    Nerf, the nerf threads and the players that post them. Where is the poll asking about temp banning people that just post nerf thread after nerf thread?

    The guy that wants a hobbit house is currently the only good thread on here atm.
  • Nyladreas
    Yes bleeds need to be changed/adjustend - not necessarily nerfed - Explain why/how.
    Nerf, the nerf threads and the players that post them. Where is the poll asking about temp banning people that just post nerf thread after nerf thread?

    The guy that wants a hobbit house is currently the only good thread on here atm.

    Thing is i don't want to propose a direct nerf, but rather mechanical adjustment. @Girl_Number8
  • TroodonsBite
    Who nerfs the nerf threads?
  • Siohwenoeht
    Bleeeds aren't the problem, it's other factors that force bleeds to be so prominent - Explain why.
    With so many running heavy armor and that playstyle probably will only increase with murkmire, bleeds provide a good counter. Unfortunately, medium and light armor users are even more vulnerable. Don't have a surefire answer to make everyone happy but without bleeds as they are I think we'll see too many nigh-unkillable tanks.
    "It is a lovely language, but it takes a very long time saying anything in it, because we do not say anything in it, unless it is worth taking a long time to say, and to listen to." - Treebeard
  • WaltherCarraway
    Bleeds are weak - Explain why/how.
    Master DW, Battleaxe. + Blooddrinker + Bloodspawn + Agility 3pc.

    bruh my blood craze bleed is like 1.8- 2.5k per tick . let's get this straight i do really teabag every stam class i killed and they can't do farce to me beside sending me salty whispers. so yea i guess bleed is not powerful enough it deffy needs a buff when my stamplar gets min/maj protection next patch. hahahahahahahahah


    my first source of bleed on your recap should be around 7-9 k. and i can stack 4 different bleeds. lol
    Edited by WaltherCarraway on October 12, 2018 1:09AM
    Back from my last hiatus. 2021 a new start.
  • zyk
    Bleeeds aren't the problem, it's other factors that force bleeds to be so prominent - Explain why.
    It's not bleeds that are the problem, it's that ZOS over-buffed Master DW weapons.
  • Nyladreas
    Yes bleeds need to be changed/adjustend - not necessarily nerfed - Explain why/how.
    Master DW, Battleaxe. + Blooddrinker + Bloodspawn + Agility 3pc.

    bruh my blood craze bleed is like 1.8- 2.5k per tick . let's get this straight i do really teabag every stam class i killed and they can't do farce to me beside sending me salty whispers. so yea i guess bleed is not powerful enough it deffy needs a buff when my stamplar gets min/maj protection next patch. hahahahahahahahah

    My toon with bleeds has a high wpn dmg build getting up to 3.5k ticks with rending slashes.

    That + vMA battle Axe (Charge and Passive bleed), +Cleave + DW Passive Axe Bleed.

    All that paired with other abilities and proper weaving is an insane amount of unmitigated damage. But to me bleeds aren't the problem, it's their mechnical behavior. Light armor and Medium armor can be easily dealth with, without bleeds.
  • WaltherCarraway
    Bleeds are weak - Explain why/how.
    I get it. Agreed
    Back from my last hiatus. 2021 a new start.
  • freespirit
    Bleeds? What are Bleeds??

    They may be killing me but so does absolutely everything else! >:)>:)
    When people say to me........
    "You're going to regret that in the morning"
    I sleep until midday cos I'm a problem solver!
  • Strider__Roshin
    Bleeeds aren't the problem, it's other factors that force bleeds to be so prominent - Explain why.
    Master DW weapons.
  • Morgul667
    Other - Suggest ideas.
    Enough with the nerf train

    Seriously guys...
  • zyk
    Bleeeds aren't the problem, it's other factors that force bleeds to be so prominent - Explain why.
    Balance is going to be an ongoing discussion in a game like this. It cannot be achieved by "buffing everything else."
  • Wing
    Bleeeds aren't the problem, it's other factors that force bleeds to be so prominent - Explain why.
    its the master DW bleeds primarily.

    though guessing whats going to happen:

    -have bleeds. they are pretty much fine

    -introduce set that makes certain bleeds op

    -nerf all bleeds making the bleeds with specific sets decent and all others terrible

    ESO player since beta.
    previously full time subscriber, beta-2024, game got too disappointing.
    PC NA
    ( ^_^ )

    You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods -Xenogears
    DK one trick
  • Nyladreas
    Yes bleeds need to be changed/adjustend - not necessarily nerfed - Explain why/how.
    Wing wrote: »
    its the master DW bleeds primarily.

    though guessing whats going to happen:

    -have bleeds. they are pretty much fine

    -introduce set that makes certain bleeds op

    -nerf all bleeds making the bleeds with specific sets decent and all others terrible


    Yeah I'd like to avoid that.
  • seventaru
    Other - Suggest ideas.
    I really really wish I could block people on the forums. These nerf threads are out of control.
    I'm disappointed in this community.
  • Nyladreas
    Yes bleeds need to be changed/adjustend - not necessarily nerfed - Explain why/how.
    seventaru wrote: »
    I really really wish I could block people on the forums. These nerf threads are out of control.
    I'm disappointed in this community.

    This isn't a nerf thread though. Do you even read what people post on here?
  • zyk
    Bleeeds aren't the problem, it's other factors that force bleeds to be so prominent - Explain why.
    seventaru wrote: »
    I really really wish I could block people on the forums. These nerf threads are out of control.
    I'm disappointed in this community.
    You can ignore players in the forums. But what you really want is to control what others discuss, which you can't do.
    Edited by zyk on October 12, 2018 1:31AM
  • Nyladreas
    Yes bleeds need to be changed/adjustend - not necessarily nerfed - Explain why/how.
    zyk wrote: »
    seventaru wrote: »
    I really really wish I could block people on the forums. These nerf threads are out of control.
    I'm disappointed in this community.
    You can ignore players in the forums. But what you really want is to control what others discuss, which you can't do.

    Lol agreed.
  • Qbiken
    I think bleeds are fine in their current state - Explain why/how.
    Might come from a bit biased perspective but here we go:

    Without the bleeds werewolf would barely be viable in PvP (they could still be viable, hence the "barely"). Severely nerfing bleeds would undermine the unique pressure a werewolf can put on someone in PvP. If bleeds were to see a severe nerf, werewolfs need to get a hefty compensation in order to be viable.

    I don´t want to see the basic mechanics of how bleeds work (aka ignoring physical resistance) being changed, since I think they´re a necessary evil. If people feel that certain sources of bleed are too strong, then reducing the value of that source would be a better choice imo. But nerfing bleeds in a general way that affects all sources of bleed-damage will hurt certain "classes" (I refer werewolf as a "class") more than others, in this case, it would be a huge nerf to werewolfs (which isn´t needed imo)
    Edited by Qbiken on October 12, 2018 5:45AM
  • ScardyFox
    I think bleeds are fine in their current state - Explain why/how.
    These types of threads are becoming abysmally tiresome...
  • RedRook
    zyk wrote: »
    It's not bleeds that are the problem, it's that ZOS over-buffed Master DW weapons.

    ^ One simple adjustment to OP gear would do a lot of good. Like they could have done with swift, and instead nerfed the hell out of everybody's class skills.

    I can understand why people are so fed up with anything that sounds like it might at some point lead to a nerf request.

    But yeah, as usual light armor magicka specs are getting rekt by "anti-tank" PVP measures... run by tanky specs.
    Edited by RedRook on October 12, 2018 6:04AM
  • Nyladreas
    Yes bleeds need to be changed/adjustend - not necessarily nerfed - Explain why/how.
    Qbiken wrote: »
    Might come from a bit biased perspective but here we go:

    Without the bleeds werewolf would barely be viable in PvP (they could still be viable, hence the "barely"). Severely nerfing bleeds would undermine the unique pressure a werewolf can put on someone in PvP. If bleeds were to see a severe nerf, werewolfs need to get a hefty compensation in order to be viable.

    I don´t want to see the basic mechanics of how bleeds work (aka ignoring physical resistance) being changed, since I think they´re a necessary evil. If people feel that certain sources of bleed are too strong, then reducing the value of that source would be a better choice imo. But nerfing bleeds in a general way that affects all sources of bleed-damage will hurt certain "classes" (I refer werewolf as a "class") more than others, in this case, it would be a huge nerf to werewolfs (which isn´t needed imo)

    Thanks for your input, my idea of mechanical change is entirely different. And It does have werewolves in mind, which would remain untouched. Same with PvE. PvE would remain entirely untouched. My idea is not a nerf in a true sense, but rather a buff to lower armor tiers....

    Option number 1:
    1)Keep current numbers up on bleeds as they currently exist in the game.
    2) Light armor receives 3-4% Bleed Resistance per piece of armor.
    3) Medium Armor receives 2-3% of Bleed Resistance per piece of armor.
    4) Heavy Armor receives 3-4% of Bleed Vulnerability per piece of armor.
    5) Monitor Werewolf bleed performance in the new setting, increase the bleed damage as needed - baseline 10%. Do not touch otherwise. (PTS testing required)
    6) Make this a part of Battlespirit or put a player-source conditional on these new debuffs, to help PvE remain untouched (as bleeds exist in PvE)

    Option number 2:
    1) Give every single bleed in the game a passive mechanic (tied to battlespirit) which reacts to your opponent's resistance pool.
    2) Bleed will now always tick weak at low armor, always tick strong on high armor.
    3) Create a baseline at 15k Armor, where 0% damage Increase is in place.
    4) Numerical values could be easily based on 1,000s after the baseline pool.
    *Example: Every 1000 of physical resistance above 15k makes the wearer take 1-2% MORE damage from bleeds.
    *Example: Every 1000 of physical resistance below 15k makes the wearer take 1-2% LESS damage from bleeds.

    Therefore 35k Armor cheese builds would take a whopping 20-40% damage increase from Bleeds. While Sorcs with 8k armor would take 0%. (Keep in mind that 15k baseline pool is just an example - this could be much higher or much lower)

    Comment: These % all would need to be tested on PTS to assure that we're not making one piece of armor significantly much stronger than the other. The numerical values are an examples and could be adjusted at will per developer's feelings.
    The Heavy Armor vulnerability could potentially force tanky builds to rethink their builds, even if they use bleeds themselves. The point here is to make bleeds exceptionally effective vs Heavy Armor, and non-thrathening to lower armor tiers.

    Option number 2 would be preferred, but I feel like ZOS would face some issues or limitations with implementing that.

    Additional Step (Would rather not see any more nerfs but it is a concern)
    1) Adjust Master DW weapons to at least 1000-1200 (500-600 in PvP <- PTS testing necessary, we don't want to make master DW obsolete)
    Edited by Nyladreas on October 12, 2018 11:11AM
  • Qbiken
    I think bleeds are fine in their current state - Explain why/how.
    Nyladreas wrote: »
    Qbiken wrote: »
    Might come from a bit biased perspective but here we go:

    Without the bleeds werewolf would barely be viable in PvP (they could still be viable, hence the "barely"). Severely nerfing bleeds would undermine the unique pressure a werewolf can put on someone in PvP. If bleeds were to see a severe nerf, werewolfs need to get a hefty compensation in order to be viable.

    I don´t want to see the basic mechanics of how bleeds work (aka ignoring physical resistance) being changed, since I think they´re a necessary evil. If people feel that certain sources of bleed are too strong, then reducing the value of that source would be a better choice imo. But nerfing bleeds in a general way that affects all sources of bleed-damage will hurt certain "classes" (I refer werewolf as a "class") more than others, in this case, it would be a huge nerf to werewolfs (which isn´t needed imo)

    Thanks for your input, my idea of mechanical change is entirely different. And It does have werewolves in mind, which would remain untouched.

    I might have missed your suggestion on how to change bleeds, but what's your solution? I'm curious to hear.
  • pdblake
    Nyladreas wrote: »
    seventaru wrote: »
    I really really wish I could block people on the forums. These nerf threads are out of control.
    I'm disappointed in this community.

    This isn't a nerf thread though. Do you even read what people post on here?

    You even say it in the title. It's a poll to help you decide what nerf you want. It's another bloody nerf thread in quise of a poll.
  • Nyladreas
    Yes bleeds need to be changed/adjustend - not necessarily nerfed - Explain why/how.
    pdblake wrote: »
    Nyladreas wrote: »
    seventaru wrote: »
    I really really wish I could block people on the forums. These nerf threads are out of control.
    I'm disappointed in this community.

    This isn't a nerf thread though. Do you even read what people post on here?

    You even say it in the title. It's a poll to help you decide what nerf you want. It's another bloody nerf thread in quise of a poll.

    It's a poll to help me decide whether the answer SHOULD BE A NERF, or just a mechanical change. Don't assume too much before anything happens, my friend :)
    Qbiken wrote: »
    Nyladreas wrote: »
    Qbiken wrote: »
    Might come from a bit biased perspective but here we go:

    Without the bleeds werewolf would barely be viable in PvP (they could still be viable, hence the "barely"). Severely nerfing bleeds would undermine the unique pressure a werewolf can put on someone in PvP. If bleeds were to see a severe nerf, werewolfs need to get a hefty compensation in order to be viable.

    I don´t want to see the basic mechanics of how bleeds work (aka ignoring physical resistance) being changed, since I think they´re a necessary evil. If people feel that certain sources of bleed are too strong, then reducing the value of that source would be a better choice imo. But nerfing bleeds in a general way that affects all sources of bleed-damage will hurt certain "classes" (I refer werewolf as a "class") more than others, in this case, it would be a huge nerf to werewolfs (which isn´t needed imo)

    Thanks for your input, my idea of mechanical change is entirely different. And It does have werewolves in mind, which would remain untouched.

    I might have missed your suggestion on how to change bleeds, but what's your solution? I'm curious to hear.

    @Qbiken original post you quoted.
    Edited by Nyladreas on October 12, 2018 10:54AM
  • usmguy1234
    Yes bleeds need to be changed/adjustend - not necessarily nerfed - Explain why/how.
    Bleeds just need to be adjusted to be more effective the higher the targets resistances are and decreased the lower the v resistances are.
    Zaghigoth- Orc Stamplar
    Soul Razor- Altmer Magsorc
    Les Drago- Redguard Stamdk
    Eirius- Altmer Magdk
    Stormifeth- Altmer Magplar

    Disclaimer: My comments are a little sarcasm mixed with truth. If you can't handle that don't respond to me.

  • Nyladreas
    Yes bleeds need to be changed/adjustend - not necessarily nerfed - Explain why/how.
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Bleeds just need to be adjusted to be more effective the higher the targets resistances are and decreased the lower the v resistances are.

    That's exactly what I'd like to propose. We need to find a good resistance threshold to start with.
  • Ragnarock41
    Yes bleeds need to be changed/adjusted IN ADDITION to a nerf. - Explain why/how.
    Maces should be for dealing heavy armor foes, not axes, I believe bleeds should get a tooltip buff, then a nerf to its %100 penetration, and then finally maces can use some buffs to make it clear that they are meant to deal with armor.
    Edited by Ragnarock41 on October 12, 2018 11:51AM
  • Nyladreas
    Yes bleeds need to be changed/adjustend - not necessarily nerfed - Explain why/how.
    Maces should be for dealing heavy armor foes, not axes, I believe bleeds should get a tooltip buff, then a nerf to its %100 penetration, and then finally maces can use some buffs to make it clear that they are meant to deal with armor.

    And then everyone will just use maces all the time. :lol:

    But that's not a bad idea in concept... If mace penetration came before all other sources of penetration (opposite of what it is now) AND had their armor penetration significantly increased it could work. How much though? At least 15-20% PER MACE.

    Then the only remaining problem would be Perma-Blocking targets.
    Edited by Nyladreas on October 12, 2018 12:00PM
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