Androconium wrote: »Enough with hearing about houses and nerfing. PvP, PvE, blahblahblah.
Every army has suppliers running after it to keep it going and cash in on the mayhem.
I'd like to hear from people who like to do trading. Tell us whatever you want about it.
Please takes us away from the endless nerf requests; or at least ask for trading based nerfs.
Androconium wrote: »Enough with hearing about houses and nerfing. PvP, PvE, blahblahblah.
Every army has suppliers running after it to keep it going and cash in on the mayhem.
I'd like to hear from people who like to do trading. Tell us whatever you want about it.
Please takes us away from the endless nerf requests; or at least ask for trading based nerfs.
VaranisArano wrote: »I know lots of people make money flipping items on the market, but I prefer to make mine from farming mats and selling them.
The best advice I can give new players who want to farm and sell is to invest in the Keen Eye passive for Alchemy. The other Keen Eyes can wait, but those reagents are pretty easy to miss, especially that darned Mountain Flower.
Whats the deal with platinum stack being cheaper than silk.
cjhhickman39 wrote: »If you’re going to farm for mats you don’t need a horse.
Go by foot when quest takes you to different areas and straight line as much as you can, this will take you off the beaten path and you will be surprised at how much you will find
Whats the deal with platinum stack being cheaper than silk.
Quite simple, really.
Unless your question is actually 'why does the demand for ancestor silk exceed the supply at a greater ratio than the demand for platinum exceeds the supply", then the answer is two-fold:
1) A far greater amount of ancestor silk is required to equip a character than platinum, and
2) There is a general preference for drop-set jewelry over crafted jewelry.
Androconium wrote: »Enough with hearing about houses and nerfing. PvP, PvE, blahblahblah.
Every army has suppliers running after it to keep it going and cash in on the mayhem.
I'd like to hear from people who like to do trading. Tell us whatever you want about it.
Please takes us away from the endless nerf requests; or at least ask for trading based nerfs.
VaranisArano wrote: »I know lots of people make money flipping items on the market, but I prefer to make mine from farming mats and selling them.
The best advice I can give new players who want to farm and sell is to invest in the Keen Eye passive for Alchemy. The other Keen Eyes can wait, but those reagents are pretty easy to miss, especially that darned Mountain Flower.
VaranisArano wrote: »I know lots of people make money flipping items on the market, but I prefer to make mine from farming mats and selling them.
The best advice I can give new players who want to farm and sell is to invest in the Keen Eye passive for Alchemy. The other Keen Eyes can wait, but those reagents are pretty easy to miss, especially that darned Mountain Flower.