Blades of Eden is a trials guild focused on helping its members progress through the game's PvE content and complete as many of their goals as possible. This may take the form of hard mode daily pledges, trials, world boss farming, and much more, with a focus on completing and progressing through trials. We are happy to accept both new and experienced players, and have many knowledgeable members that are willing to help others get the most out of this game. We make use of both in-game chat and Discord to coordinate and group up. Discord is only required for trials, but a microphone, although preferable, is not.
There are no requirements to join and we are happy to welcome anyone that isn't here to cause trouble. At the moment we run three trials weekly: usually the participants vote on what they would like to run once we have grouped up, but occasionally there are progression days to go over less popular trials to make sure everyone gets a chance to run them with us. If you aren't super experienced or are just worried that you aren't ready to join trials yet, we will do our best to get you there.
Please let me know if you have any questions or are interested in joining.
Edited by Syrta on October 9, 2018 10:12PM