Yesterday, I received this Master Crafting Writ as a reward for completing the daily jewelry crafting writ:

This was incredibly exciting for me as up until now the richest master crafting writ I had ever received as a reward was a blacksmithing master crafting writ worth 87 writs. So the first thing that I did was port to my guild's home with all of the Attunable
crafting stations to see if I could produce it.

Well okay fine the good news is that I will be able to craft this necklace in 15 days. Yay!

upon checking my storehouse I determined that I will need to obtain some materials in order to craft a necklace.
I was also curious about the cost involved in crafting the necklace. So I did the following research:

Okay, so let's total that up and see the cost:
Amount Req. * Unit Cost = Total Cost
Platinum 15 * 11 = 165
Dibellum 1 * 5500 = 5500
Terne 1 *1050 = 1050
Iridium 2-* 3394 = 6787
Zircon 3 * 24500 73500
Chromium 4 * 77200 = 308800
Total = 395802
Ugh... Ugh... That can't be right! If it were right this writ would cost 1346 gold per writ! So in order to have some frame of reference I thought I would find a comparable blacksmith master crafting writ with which to compare. I found this one:

While I actually had all of the materials in my storehouse to craft this writ except the style stone and the motif, for point of objective comparison what is the total cost of producing this axe?
Amount Req. * Unit Cost = Total Cost
Rubedite 11 * 7 = 77
Motif 55 Axes 1 * 15094 = 15094
Minotaur Bezoar 1 * 179 = 179
Honing stone 2 * 19 = 38
Dwarven Oil 4 * 21 = 84
Grain Solvent 6 * 327 = 1962
Tempering Alloy 8 * 4502 = 36016
Potent Nirncrux 1 * 9212 = 9212
Total = 77679
So this means that this blacksmithing master crafting writ costs 271 Gold per writ. In actuality if I were to receive this blacksmithing master crafting writ my gold investment would be a little bit more than 15,200 and I would receive the ongoing benefit of having purchased the style motif.
But wait a minute. Perhaps I could just sell this writ to some PT Barnum-ite. How does that look?
Sell the Jewelry Writ: writs guild MM price
Current Market price for this JCWrit: 294 ... 12279 ... 42
Compare to Blacksmithing Writ: 287 ... 117454 ... 409
42 gold per writ! Are you kidding me? For point of reference I can sell a filled soul gem to an in-game merchant for 30 gold.
Now I am really confused. I thought master crafting writs were supposed to be rewards for dedicated crafters who invested the time and resources into the crafting aspects of ESO. Why would the game developers put a carrot out there that could so rarely be obtained? Were we just meant to buy our way toward writ rewards from the writ vendors? I would appreciate any insight the game developers could provide to me as to what they would do with this writ. Thank you
Rule #1: RL trumps gaming.
Rule #2: True immersion is RL.
Rule #3: RL lag is wonderful.
Rule #4: People matter. Pixels do not.