What set to use alongside relequen?

Since the set I'll use with relequen is 3 jewellery + weapon the buff from the second set is only available on my front bar since I have maelstrom bow on my backbar.

I'm thinking Leviathan but the buff does not carry over on my backbar, however it will be Insta active on my front bar.


Briarhearth since the buff from Briarhearth will carry over to my backbar.

What would you guys suggest?

Edit: I know berserking warrior probably will be best but I'm not seeing myself getting that in a long time.
Edited by Gulnagel on October 9, 2018 9:54AM

Best Answers

  • Namarkas
    Before anybody says AY or Ravager, an excerpt from the current pts notes

    "Arms of Relequen: Fixed an issue where the damage over time effect from this Item Set could proc other abilities and Item Sets that trigger on melee damage."

    It really depends on the content you want to tackle, with this patch no set really synergises well with it, it is just strong on its own, so you can more or less consider the other set on it's own aswell
    Answer ✓
  • John_Falstaff
    @Gulnagel , leaving AY aside (still waiting for news from PTS, since Relequen's damage isn't melee anymore and won't add to AY stacks), there are other choices. Briarheart is a good set, with a few dots rolling it procs practically off cooldown, has a nice little heal and it's very easily available. Veiled Heritance is a very promising set without cooldown and it procs off any damage, so you can keep 100% uptime on it; it's overland set too, so you can get it easily (with the caveat of it being heavy, so you'll have to run it in jewelry and weapons and transmute the jewelry from Healthy).

    Ravager is sadly dead in the water since it's no longer proc'd by Relequen, and so is Selene.
    Edited by John_Falstaff on October 9, 2018 10:01AM
    Answer ✓
  • Namarkas
    @Gulnagel , leaving AY aside (still waiting for news from PTS, since Relequen's damage isn't melee anymore and won't add to AY stacks), there are other choices. Briarheart is a good set, with a few dots rolling it procs practically off cooldown, has a nice little heal and it's very easily available. Veiled Heritance is a very promising set without cooldown and it procs off any damage, so you can keep 100% uptime on it; it's overland set too, so you can get it easily (with the caveat of it being heavy, so you'll have to run it in jewelry and weapons and transmute the jewelry from Healthy).

    Ravager is sadly dead in the water since it's no longer proc'd by Relequen, and so is Selene.

    Ravager is dead if you are dual-wield non stamplar on a single target
    It should still work on stamplar single target, and on 2h in an aoe scenario.
    Edited by Namarkas on October 9, 2018 10:19AM
    Answer ✓
  • Lightspeedflashb14_ESO
    Veiled Heritance is a great set and procs on all damage and carries over to your back bar. Try that. I run a heavy chest with one of my jewelry being the other set, in my case hulking, so I don't have to transmute the jewelry, as I have both my monster set in medium, in my opinion, it is best to run 6/1 on Stam toons.
    Edited by Lightspeedflashb14_ESO on October 9, 2018 10:21AM
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  • John_Falstaff
    @Namarkas , good correction; I wouldn't know, as I don't play a stamplar. I'm also of a mind to test if Kra'gh is considered melee damage and can proc Ravager, since at full uptime it's about one damage tick per second on average much like Relequen, but something tells me it may not be.
    Answer ✓
  • Namarkas
    @Namarkas , good correction; I wouldn't know, as I don't play a stamplar. I'm also of a mind to test if Kra'gh is considered melee damage and can proc Ravager, since at full uptime it's about one damage tick per second on average much like Relequen, but something tells me it may not be.

    I don't think so as it's very design is an AoE cone. But hey, relequen was considered meele, and a bunch of other stuff still is, so you never know until you tried xD
    Answer ✓
  • WeylandLabs
    Nerf it good !
    Answer ✓
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