Stam, bow/bow
Relequen and warmachine/levathian with maelstrom bow. For murkmire if no further major changes, weapon damage back bar, poison or absorb stam front bar
Front bar: sub assault, cutting dive, channeled acceleration, bull netch, bird of prey
Back bar: poison injection, endless hail, razor caltrops, flex spot, bird of prey
Use the bear ult.
Rotation: buff with channeled and netch, assume light attacks before every skill unless said otherwise
Sub, bar swap, hail caltrops, poison injection, bar swap, sub, bear, cutting dive, sub, cutting dive x2, sub, bar swap, hail, caltrops, poison injection, bar swap, sub, channeled, netch, sub, cutting dive x2, repeat.
If low on stam, replace bear, cutting dive with bear + heavy or cutting dice x2 with heavy + cutting dive
Food, I use blue max, stam+hp food, but you can use dubious cameron throne or arteaum takeaway broth.
Potion, either brutality, savagery, stam potions or flex, crit, stam potions
Edit I forgot monster set, stormfist is the popular choice, but veledrith is not bad if sustain isnt an issue
This build sounds fun, I need to change my enchant on maelstrom to weapondamage and I asume I'm going to use leviathan jewellery + leviathanbow on front bar with poison enchant and relequen as armorpieces to always get the 5 piece buff, leviathan will only give full when I'm on my front bar but I guess you spend most of the time there.
Until I get relequen I'll use hundings as substitute to run the normal raid.
My warden with this setup now without optimal gear does 22k DPS. Is that enough to farm a normal trial?
Yup, you can farm gear with 22k dps.
On this build this patch, I can get 42k on the 6M using blue food and no orbs. You'll get even higher next patch
Regarding Leviathan gear. You don't think Briarheart will be a better set? Since the buff from Briarheart carry over to the maelstrom bar and Leviathan does not?
In theory yes, but briarheart is unpredictable as to when it procs and it caps to 66% of the time (10 seconds for every 15). Since the rotation requires alot of bar swapping (especially to have a high uptime on shalks), having the set proc when you don't want to can be detrimental to your dps. I would rather have the >448 weapon damage proc on my spammable than when I am refreshing my dots or buffs, but due to how rng works that is far from ideal.
I could run a few more tests to work out a rotation that accounts for briarheart uptimes, I just am not in favor of sets with forced cooldowns like briarheart, due to mechanics of some trials or dungeons throwing off your rotation
Edit 2:
Crit also scales better with high enough warhorn uptimes, despite more passives for weapon damage for stam
Stam, bow/bow
Relequen and warmachine/levathian with maelstrom bow. For murkmire if no further major changes, weapon damage back bar, poison or absorb stam front bar
Front bar: sub assault, cutting dive, channeled acceleration, bull netch, bird of prey
Back bar: poison injection, endless hail, razor caltrops, flex spot, bird of prey
Use the bear ult.
Rotation: buff with channeled and netch, assume light attacks before every skill unless said otherwise
Sub, bar swap, hail caltrops, poison injection, bar swap, sub, bear, cutting dive, sub, cutting dive x2, sub, bar swap, hail, caltrops, poison injection, bar swap, sub, channeled, netch, sub, cutting dive x2, repeat.
If low on stam, replace bear, cutting dive with bear + heavy or cutting dice x2 with heavy + cutting dive
Food, I use blue max, stam+hp food, but you can use dubious cameron throne or arteaum takeaway broth.
Potion, either brutality, savagery, stam potions or flex, crit, stam potions
Edit I forgot monster set, stormfist is the popular choice, but veledrith is not bad if sustain isnt an issue
So any warden players out there that pull 30 k DPS with a somewhat easy rotation?
I'm interested in both stamina and magica setups, since I want to try something new away from healing.
So if you pull 30+ k:
1. Mag or Stam?
2. Gear
3. Skills
4. Rotation
5. Food/drink/potion
Would be appreciated to get some pointers
Stam, bow/bow
Relequen and warmachine/levathian with maelstrom bow. For murkmire if no further major changes, weapon damage back bar, poison or absorb stam front bar
Front bar: sub assault, cutting dive, channeled acceleration, bull netch, bird of prey
Back bar: poison injection, endless hail, razor caltrops, flex spot, bird of prey
Use the bear ult.
Rotation: buff with channeled and netch, assume light attacks before every skill unless said otherwise
Sub, bar swap, hail caltrops, poison injection, bar swap, sub, bear, cutting dive, sub, cutting dive x2, sub, bar swap, hail, caltrops, poison injection, bar swap, sub, channeled, netch, sub, cutting dive x2, repeat.
If low on stam, replace bear, cutting dive with bear + heavy or cutting dice x2 with heavy + cutting dive
Food, I use blue max, stam+hp food, but you can use dubious cameron throne or arteaum takeaway broth.
Potion, either brutality, savagery, stam potions or flex, crit, stam potions
Edit I forgot monster set, stormfist is the popular choice, but veledrith is not bad if sustain isnt an issue
This build sounds fun, I need to change my enchant on maelstrom to weapondamage and I asume I'm going to use leviathan jewellery + leviathanbow on front bar with poison enchant and relequen as armorpieces to always get the 5 piece buff, leviathan will only give full when I'm on my front bar but I guess you spend most of the time there.
Until I get relequen I'll use hundings as substitute to run the normal raid.
My warden with this setup now without optimal gear does 22k DPS. Is that enough to farm a normal trial?
Stam, bow/bow
Relequen and warmachine/levathian with maelstrom bow. For murkmire if no further major changes, weapon damage back bar, poison or absorb stam front bar
Front bar: sub assault, cutting dive, channeled acceleration, bull netch, bird of prey
Back bar: poison injection, endless hail, razor caltrops, flex spot, bird of prey
Use the bear ult.
Rotation: buff with channeled and netch, assume light attacks before every skill unless said otherwise
Sub, bar swap, hail caltrops, poison injection, bar swap, sub, bear, cutting dive, sub, cutting dive x2, sub, bar swap, hail, caltrops, poison injection, bar swap, sub, channeled, netch, sub, cutting dive x2, repeat.
If low on stam, replace bear, cutting dive with bear + heavy or cutting dice x2 with heavy + cutting dive
Food, I use blue max, stam+hp food, but you can use dubious cameron throne or arteaum takeaway broth.
Potion, either brutality, savagery, stam potions or flex, crit, stam potions
Edit I forgot monster set, stormfist is the popular choice, but veledrith is not bad if sustain isnt an issue
This build sounds fun, I need to change my enchant on maelstrom to weapondamage and I asume I'm going to use leviathan jewellery + leviathanbow on front bar with poison enchant and relequen as armorpieces to always get the 5 piece buff, leviathan will only give full when I'm on my front bar but I guess you spend most of the time there.
Until I get relequen I'll use hundings as substitute to run the normal raid.
My warden with this setup now without optimal gear does 22k DPS. Is that enough to farm a normal trial?
Yup, you can farm gear with 22k dps.
On this build this patch, I can get 42k on the 6M using blue food and no orbs. You'll get even higher next patch
Stam, bow/bow
Relequen and warmachine/levathian with maelstrom bow. For murkmire if no further major changes, weapon damage back bar, poison or absorb stam front bar
Front bar: sub assault, cutting dive, channeled acceleration, bull netch, bird of prey
Back bar: poison injection, endless hail, razor caltrops, flex spot, bird of prey
Use the bear ult.
Rotation: buff with channeled and netch, assume light attacks before every skill unless said otherwise
Sub, bar swap, hail caltrops, poison injection, bar swap, sub, bear, cutting dive, sub, cutting dive x2, sub, bar swap, hail, caltrops, poison injection, bar swap, sub, channeled, netch, sub, cutting dive x2, repeat.
If low on stam, replace bear, cutting dive with bear + heavy or cutting dice x2 with heavy + cutting dive
Food, I use blue max, stam+hp food, but you can use dubious cameron throne or arteaum takeaway broth.
Potion, either brutality, savagery, stam potions or flex, crit, stam potions
Edit I forgot monster set, stormfist is the popular choice, but veledrith is not bad if sustain isnt an issue
This build sounds fun, I need to change my enchant on maelstrom to weapondamage and I asume I'm going to use leviathan jewellery + leviathanbow on front bar with poison enchant and relequen as armorpieces to always get the 5 piece buff, leviathan will only give full when I'm on my front bar but I guess you spend most of the time there.
Until I get relequen I'll use hundings as substitute to run the normal raid.
My warden with this setup now without optimal gear does 22k DPS. Is that enough to farm a normal trial?
Yup, you can farm gear with 22k dps.
On this build this patch, I can get 42k on the 6M using blue food and no orbs. You'll get even higher next patch
Regarding Leviathan gear. You don't think Briarheart will be a better set? Since the buff from Briarheart carry over to the maelstrom bar and Leviathan does not?