Hello, good day and greetings.
We've all seen it. We've all complained about it, lets revisit this subject with a new fresh perspective.
Before queuing for a random dungeon there used to be a trick in the system were if it's past 5 minutes, queue out and re-queue back in and you would normally get picked up right away. This trick doesn't work anymore. 3 major major major , MAJOR things are making it worse now. And quit irritating, especially for those of us that have multiple toons and expect the 100K each toon that is shared account wide to quickly level up our characters.
1. It takes more than 30 minutes, 45 minutes, I have even seen an hour or more go by.
2. When the "READY CHECK" takes place, someone "MAGICALLY" declines and we're bumped to the beginning of the queue
3. Noticing now a lot often than not, low level new people as DPS queue in as a healer, and or worse a TANK and they are not actually one.
So, that said. Yes for someone like me, I do not make ambrosia or any kind of exp scrolls to level up quicker, I don't make them, I don't buy them, I don't even go to the crown store to purchase this stuff with real money. (((I pay enough))) I depended on logging into my 7 toons daily to make a fast and quick 700K experience that's shared across all other toon not currently being played at the moment. Key word, Depend on it. So stop right there before you or anyone start telling me, as a user what to do. It's not up to me to change the ways I do things, it's up to Zenimax to fix the issue after properly addressing it.
Next, Suffering.
Why should I, nor anyone be punished for someone else """"DECLINING"""" to queue into the "Ready Check" ? Why should we be punished. I think if it's time, then the queue should tke the first 4, dump them into a dungeon starting point, so at least we're all there, and if someone declines, we don't have to wait very long for the Crown to re queue the dungeon finder to pick up the missing role.
Even more suffering.
Role queuing. Yeah , we have all seen it, we all think it's annoying, even more so annoying when not everyone votes to kick the fake tank with no taunts and or , same for the fake healer. It's like at this point, we've all probably just waited an hour to get into the dungeon, and it's probably a undaunted quest as well, as I will admit I am now saving the undaunted pledges for the next day as I don't have the time to into that specific one at the time it's being offered. So sometimes I will have 6 undaunted during one single day.
Regardless as to the reasons why I'm queuing the dungeons, the cold facts are that the wait time is absolutely ridiculous, and outrageously absurd. The dungeon finder really, really, really, really needs to be looked at, addressed, and reformatted to fit the needs of the individual that does not group, does not guild, does not have at the moment friends online, does not make , trade, borrow , buy, or purchase with real money any experience scrolls or food to reach a higher level.
Ok, I think I pretty much touched base on what I think should happen or at he very least had my fair share in saying what is currently bothersum and inconvenient .
Thank you, for reading bruddahs, sisters, Mahalo!
ElderScrollsOnline Purchase History April 17, 2017 through May 30th 2022 (Crowns,Upgrades, ESO Plus) = $5,610.38