Do you have wares if the walker has coin? FOREVER TRADING is getting rich in Vivec City and we want you to join us! A friendly and helpful well-established guild, we have all kinds of goodies!

Our focus is making gold and having fun doing it. Not sure how to make gold? Our busy kiosk in Vivec city makes it easy and we're happy to help you learn!

We have PvE and PvP social event as well as weekly auctions and raffles.

Our guild house includes DLC crafting stations, a transmute station, and a growing selection of mundus stones.

Players of all levels and factions are welcome.

We currently have a weekly requirement of 10k contributed to the guild (raffle ticket purchase) OR 150k in sales on the trader.

Our membership fluctuates between 450-500 members; we regularly prune inactives or those not in good standing and recruit new members.

If you have questions about the guild or, better yet, want to join us, contact us by sending an in-game mail to me, @cookswithoutarecipe, or the guild account @forevertrading.

  • CooksWithoutARecipe
    We currently have openings! Also, it's our 2 year guildiversary this month so we are having a sales contest with several prizes, including a million gold.

    Message me in-game @CooksWithoutARecipe for an invite.
  • CooksWithoutARecipe
    The 2 year guildiversary events are still going, and we now have ALL THE CRAFTING STATIONS in our guild hall! Every single one!
  • msalex
    Edited by msalex on November 23, 2018 10:22PM
  • CooksWithoutARecipe
    We currently have 31 openings! Send an in-game mail to me, @cookswithoutarecipe or to the guild accoung, @forevertrading, if you would like to join us.
  • mongroe
    Soul Shriven
    I would like to join! I sent mail to @cookswithoutarecipe but in case you didn't receive it, my account is @Mongroe.
  • Dovahkiin804
    Send me a in game invite @ntm2003
  • CooksWithoutARecipe
    Invites are sent!
  • CooksWithoutARecipe
    We've secured our spot in Vivec City for another week and currently have 20 openings. Come join us! Send me a mail in-game @cookswithoutarecipe or to the guild account @forevertrading.
  • CooksWithoutARecipe
    We have secured our trader in Vivec City again! Also, we set another new all-time sales record for our guild last week. Send me an in-game mail to @cookswithoutarecipe or @forevertrading to join.
  • CooksWithoutARecipe
    Our sewer run last night was a great success and we have a daedra-themed guild auction planned for tonight. Come join us and get in on the big sales that happen over the weekend!
  • CooksWithoutARecipe
    We have secured our trader in Vivec City for another week. Only 6 open spots at the moment!
  • CooksWithoutARecipe
    Forever Trading is open for business! PM or mail me in game to join us.
  • CooksWithoutARecipe
    We've got Jester Fest events planned and are heading into the big sales that happen over the weekend! Send an in-game mail to me or @forevertrading to join.
  • CooksWithoutARecipe
    The free play event this coming weekend means a LOT of new players with access to Morrowind....which means even more traffic for our trader in Vivec City! Send an in-game mail to me, @cookswithoutarecipe, or the guild account, @forevertrading, if you want in on the action.
  • CooksWithoutARecipe
    We're hoping to break our guild sales record this weekend with the free-to-play event. Send an in-game mail to me, @cookswithoutarecipe, or the guild account, @forevertrading, if you want to sell to all the players in Vivec City this weekend!
  • CooksWithoutARecipe
    We smashed our all-time guild sales record last week and secured our trader in Vivec City again! Send an in-game mail to me, @cookswithoutarecipe, or the guild account, @forevertrading, to join us.
  • CooksWithoutARecipe
    You know where a lot of people like to do daily crafting writs? VIVEC CITY! You know where our trader is? VIVEC CITY! Wanna sell your crafting to all the people doing all the crafting writs during this event and make lots and lots of gold? Send an in-game mail to me, @cookswithoutarecipe, or the guild account, @forevertrading, to join us.
  • Anlaemar
    I would like to join.

    IGN: Anlaemar
    (NA) Anlaemar with 750+ Champion Points
    Member Since April 15, 2014
    (EP)Alrik Vadason - Nord Dragonknight
    (EP)Matdasi Hlarrobar - Breton Mageblade
    Formerly known as Ra'dar Ahdhari - Main DPS 40k Self Buffed
    (EP)Marrec Vadason - Breton Templar Healer
    (EP)Nameless - Altmer Sorcerer - Secondary DPS
    - The only sovereign you can allow to rule you is reason -
  • Yilaikesi
    Soul Shriven
    Still having open spot for a new member? Would like an invite pls~

  • thegooch52b14_ESO
    I'd like to join. @thegooch52
  • CooksWithoutARecipe
    Invites sent! We've got our spot in Vivec secured once again and have 9 openings after those invites. Send an in-game mail to me, @cookswithoutarecipe, or the guild account, @forevertrading, to join us.
  • zyrktec
    Soul Shriven
    id like an invite @ixthillian
  • CooksWithoutARecipe
    Sent! I've worked through our waitlist and made some room for new people. Send an in-game mail to me, @cookswithoutarecipe, or the guild account, @forevertrading, to join us.
  • CooksWithoutARecipe
    It's the last weekend of the 5th Anniversary Jubilee! I know your inventory is overflowing with recipes, motifs, style pages, and mats that you've hoarded from all those boxes. Come sell them in Vivec City!

    Send an in-game mail to me, @cookswithoutarecipe, or the guild account, @forevertrading, to join us
  • OnThaLoose
    Would like an invite to join. Returning player, active, with lots to trade.

    @CooksWithoutARecipe I know you requested being messaged in game, but i'm at work for the foreseeable future, so I figured i'd post a message here for now :)

    In-Game name @OnThaLoose
  • CooksWithoutARecipe
    We've kept our spot in Vivec City yet again and our sales were AMAZING last week! We have 5 spots open at the moment and they will fill fast.

    Copy and paste the following code into your chat box and then click on it to go directly to our guild finder page in-game!

    |H1:guild:405297|hForever Trading|h

  • CooksWithoutARecipe
    We're still in the best spot in Vivec City and have 7 opening right now! We had our first Sales Tax Refund drawing last night to give back to our amazing members. If you're a high-performance trader or want to be one, we'd love to have you.

    Copy and paste the following code into your chat box and then click on it to go directly to our guild finder page in-game! Make sure to read over the info there and write something in your application note. We don't accept blank applications.

    |H1:guild:405297|hForever Trading|h
  • CooksWithoutARecipe
    After a brief sojourn in the beautiful city of Rimmen, we have returned to our spot in Vivec City! We've got spots open for high-performance traders. Check us out in the guild finder to apply!
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