LordSkyKnight wrote: »I hate the RNG. I would rather have it where you collect a certain number of keys (or tokens) and redeem them for the piece you want.
Guys, why can't you see?
All these RNG drop is made for you, so you always could press the "Find a group" button and get 3 buddies for the dungeon.
Imagine if there's no RNG. Every player who played the game at least 3 months, would already have all sets with all traits collected, and these players wouldn't go in dungeons anymore. Well, maybe sometimes they would, to help guildmates once in a week.
And then we'll get Group Finder queues 2 hours long not because of bug, but because there's really no other players in a queue.
It's the way all MMOs are working. Isn't it obvious?
You know what would really help.
If they had something like a weekly vendor that cycled all the sets so you could just buy the ones your need
Oh wait...