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Another "Can't Decide Which Class to Main!" Thread!


I'm a new player, and I've dabbled a bit with each class, but I don't want to fully commit to one just yet, knowing how many things are character-bound rather than account-bound. The good news is I think I've narrowed my choices a bit.

I've been trying to decide based on the following points:
  1. I want to be able to solo most, if not all, WBs and non-Vet dungeons, as well as VMA.
  2. I'll be focusing on (high-end) PvE as a DPS or, as a backup option, healer. I don't need to top the meters, but I do need to perform competitively well.
  3. I don't care about the difficulty of a rotation or obtaining gear. If it's worth learning or grinding for, I'll do it.
  4. Pets seem somewhat clunky in ESO, so I'd rather avoid pet-based classes.
Of course, we have a patch coming up and it's looking to throw a lot of things out of whack. I keep hearing that Stamplar might end up coming out ahead, whereas classes like Sorc are going to fall off a cliff. Hyperbole aside, it does look like Magicka-based DPS classes are getting nerfed, overall, particularly when it comes to survivability.

My two frontrunners as of right now are Mag/Stam Nightblade and Mag/Stam Templar. Any thoughts?
Edited by Bladehawk on October 3, 2018 8:10PM
  • FrancisCrawford
    Soloing DLC world bosses is hard -- harder than soloing dungeons in normal mode, because the WBs tend to have strong adds and/or powerful mechanics. Base-game WBs are vastly easier.
  • Bladehawk
    Soloing DLC world bosses is hard -- harder than soloing dungeons in normal mode, because the WBs tend to have strong adds and/or powerful mechanics. Base-game WBs are vastly easier.

    Good to know. Let's say then that I'd like to be able to solo whatever is reasonably soloable. If that means just the base game WBs and/or dungeons, then so be it.
    Edited by Bladehawk on October 3, 2018 8:48PM
  • Starlock
    As I understand it, if you're interested in being a competitive gamer, you can't have a "main" in this game. I'll grant I really don't get the concept of "mains" anyway, but I'm well aware that the competitive gamers are the ones most prone to freaking out about class/balance adjustments every patch cycle. They say this class is now trash, this class is now best. They'll tell you not to play this, and now play this (or else). There won't ever be any one class that is the best for competitive gaming goals. Therefore, you'll want to have several.

    Very little of significance is character bound. The only things that are include motifs (irrelevant for competitive gaming), some level-up rewards (also irrelevant for competitive gaming), and titles (mostly irrelevant also since you can only equip one at a time). What else are you thinking is character bound?
  • Bladehawk
    Well, the idea is to have one character that I won't have to worry about completing all PvE content with. When it comes to combat, I definitely want a class that performs competitively well so I don't need to worry as much about being able to see high-end content. I also want that class to be mostly self-sufficient in terms of not needing a group to do a majority of content. If I can pick the right class in that regard, then I'll be spending my time exploring, grinding gear, crafting, collecting, farming for gold, completing achievements, and basically just moving from one goal to the next. As I understand, most of that has to be done on one character; achievements aren't account-wide and neither are crafting motifs or researched traits.

    I definitely agree with the idea of needing multiple geared characters, though. It makes sense. But I don't think I'll even consider alts until I get to level 50 and have at least 160 CP.
    Edited by Bladehawk on October 3, 2018 9:00PM
  • RebornV3x
    Nightblade Magicka or stamina is fine if your looking for max high end dps. its probably not the best solo class but its a great dps class

    If your completely lost on what class to pick just go Templar its the safe bet its almost impossible to make a bad templar. its the most versatile class in the game, it has the best heal skills, they can be amazing tanks too, great passives, not the absolute best dps but both mag and stam temps get great dps numbers tho and its a good class to solo with as well Templar is probably the most well rounded most thought out class in this game.

    Edited by RebornV3x on October 3, 2018 9:12PM
    Xbox One - NA GT: RebornV3x
    I also play on PC from time to time but I just wanna be left alone on there so sorry.
  • Starlock
    I know you said you don't want pets, but what I've heard is that they're the way to go if you want to do content intended for groups as a solo player. I haven't done much with pets myself - I don't have a character that they would fit with right now - but when I did briefly play around with it, the pets will take aggro off you so it is kind of like having a group. Plus, next patch pets won't take damage in dungeons. Which is kind of insane, since if they get and keep boss aggro, they can tank a boss for you and never, ever die. Ever. I'm not sure Zenimax has fully thought through their "pets take no damage in dungeons" idea... haha. It's certainly encouraging me to finally roll up my dark magician pet sorceress. :)

    Personally, I think the most important thing is to play the class that appeals to you or fits the character concept you envision. You can ultimately do any content with any class if you build for it. Some are said to be slightly better than others from a min-max standpoint, but you don't technically need to min-max even for vet content. I played the game for... gosh... a year on just one character? I build my lightning mage, which necessitated sorcerer. For what you want to do? I'm thinking nightblade. Not just because it is the current "best in slot" for damage dealing but because cloak is incredibly useful. Want to collect skyshards in Cyrodiil and not have to mess with mobs on the way or other players? Cloak. Want to reliably get perfect heists in Thieves Guild or sacraments in Dark Brotherhood? Cloak. It's just a great utility tool for completing content. If you want to use cloak a lot, that means magicka build. Magicka nightblades make decent healers too.
  • Bladehawk
    Magblade was definitely one of my top choices, so that's good to hear! Since both Nightblade and Templar sound like good choices, I'll try Nightblade first and see how it feels at max level and with some CPs. Thanks for the advice, everyone.
  • AcadianPaladin
    My stam chars are bow/bow so let's rule them out since they are quite a rare and specialized breed. I do have a magsorc that runs one pet and, yes, the pets are a mixed blessing.

    So that leaves magplar and magblade as far as characters that I feel qualified to discuss and seem to fit your goals. Let me start by saying my magplar is a healer, my 'main' and feels like a natural part of me. My magblade is full CP but I'm still getting used to optimizing her skills and rotation. That said and, given your objectives, I'd consider three things: Survivability (magplar by a notable margin), Dps (magblade solidly leads for both AoE and single target), and Sustain (magblade leads but not by much). As far as challenging content, I prefer the magplar - she kills slower but dies less. Just my observations but some input to consider.
    PC NA(no Steam), PvE, mostly solo
  • crazy_catman21
    Magden :wink:
  • Kurat
    You can solo the things you listed with every class as long as you know your class, have right sets and rotation. The "best" changes every patch so choose what you like.
  • El_Borracho
    If you want a character that can more easily beat VMA, that rules out almost every stamina build and DK. Based on everything else you wrote, sounds like a magblade might be your best call.

    Edit: Of course you "solo" VMA. LOL
    Edited by El_Borracho on October 4, 2018 8:49PM
  • eso_nya
    everyclass can solo every worldboss minus one. To solo howard wuyuwiz u need to be a mdk.

    "offheals" limits u to templar or warden.

    "dd" limits u to magblöde.
  • keevil111
    Magblade is great for soloing WBs and norm dungeons. A very self sufficient class with good heals and escape mechanisms. High damage also. Yes some skills are getting whacked next patch but it will still be viable for all content.

    Plus you can switch it up as melee magblade, ranged dps, or even decent healer. Very versatile.
    PS4 NA
  • ghastley
    Starlock wrote: »
    Plus, next patch pets won't take damage in dungeons. Which is kind of insane, since if they get and keep boss aggro, they can tank a boss for you and never, ever die. Ever. I'm not sure Zenimax has fully thought through their "pets take no damage in dungeons" idea... haha. It's certainly encouraging me to finally roll up my dark magician pet sorceress. :)
    One way they can implement the "pets don't take damage" is that bosses never target them. They could also go a step further, and have the pets DO no damage, so they're restricted to being healers, or spell conduits for buffs/de-buffs.
  • codestripper
    ghastley wrote: »
    Starlock wrote: »
    Plus, next patch pets won't take damage in dungeons. Which is kind of insane, since if they get and keep boss aggro, they can tank a boss for you and never, ever die. Ever. I'm not sure Zenimax has fully thought through their "pets take no damage in dungeons" idea... haha. It's certainly encouraging me to finally roll up my dark magician pet sorceress. :)
    One way they can implement the "pets don't take damage" is that bosses never target them. They could also go a step further, and have the pets DO no damage, so they're restricted to being healers, or spell conduits for buffs/de-buffs.

    No thanks, I like my pet sorc tyvm. Also having a pet tank the boss is something that won't happen very often because of how aggro works in this game. At least, not since they fixed it...

    Also, on the PTS vMA on a magblade is significantly easier than on a pet sorc right now. Pets die way too often (even with high shield uptime), and your burst damage is much lower. Anyone expecting pet sorcs to stay at the top of the "easy solo" build list next patch is going to be in for a rude awakening. (unless you're talking dungeon soloing, in that case it'll still be pretty easy as your pets won't die)
    Since everyone seems to be doing this,
    DPS Builds:
    - Magicka Sorcerer (Pet) [Flawless Conqueror @ 565CP] - 582k
    - Magicka Nightblade [Flawless Conqueror @ 780CP] - 575k
    - Stamina Sorcerer [Flawless Conqueror @ 420CP] - 560k
    - Magicka Classless [Flawless Conqueror @ 810CP] - 540k
    - Magicka Templar [Stormproof] - 550k
    - Magicka Warden [Stormproof] - 510k
    - Stamina Templar [In Development]
    - Stamina DK [In Development]
    - Stamina NB [Under 50]
  • Deeldo
    ghastley wrote: »
    Starlock wrote: »
    Plus, next patch pets won't take damage in dungeons. Which is kind of insane, since if they get and keep boss aggro, they can tank a boss for you and never, ever die. Ever. I'm not sure Zenimax has fully thought through their "pets take no damage in dungeons" idea... haha. It's certainly encouraging me to finally roll up my dark magician pet sorceress. :)
    One way they can implement the "pets don't take damage" is that bosses never target them. They could also go a step further, and have the pets DO no damage, so they're restricted to being healers, or spell conduits for buffs/de-buffs.

    I don't get it, if they do this it will kinda ruin Warden with the bear companion.
    It's an ultimate skill so not something they want to mess up.
    If they choose to make bear do no damage, that would nerf the Wardens damage. If they choose to make bear invincible, that would allow Warden to solo a lot of the content.
    The only "solution" would be to make bosses not target pets, but they actually said that they will make boss abilities target pets.
  • Defilted
    I would go with the one that makes you happy.

    XBOX Series X

  • GreenhaloX
    Just grab a Magsorc with a Clannfear.. you'll be fine.
  • DeadlyRecluse
    Honestly, it's not necessarily worth picking the best class TODAY for use in a future patch--things change.

    In all seriousness, I'd choose a "main" based on which animations you like. You'll be looking at those animations a LOT.
    Thrice Empress, Forever Scrub
  • ghastley
    If you're uncertain, build more than one, so you can test out the options in-game. You get eight character slots - use them! That also gives you the chance to play all three roles of the trinity, and appreciate what the others do (or can fail to do).
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