Dear Zenimax, the state of Cyrodiil campaign is critical. Apart from 2-3 hours primetime, at best, the faction imbalance across all servers EU side is so bad it is not challenging and absolutely not fun playing unless you want to farm ap by capping empty keeps. Mind you this is no qq thread about one faction. It goes to all factions. I log in mornings, map is one colour. I log off. Doesnt matter if its my colour or not, I log of, because its dead, no pvp. I log off in the late evenings/night. Same situation, different colour. I used to be able to play 24/7 more or less 1-1,5 years ago, without this total faction domination, now I can only find more or less ok fights at primetime. Bars show the problem. One faction poplocked, or 3 bars, the other factions 1 bar. I dont play this game to be entertained or to stay in lakes 2 hours per day, and I dont think you are happy with the situation, but the right now, right here state of cyrodiil is BAD Zenimax. Its really BAD, and you MUST do something to change it. Maybe just remove all together the scoring system and come up with something new. Maybe allocate players/groups randomly to factions to make it more even, I dont know, and its not my job to figure it out, its YOU not the players who must VERY SOON find a solution. I dont think I even have to explain why its so crap at the moment, most players, apart from as mentioned before, the pvd ap farmers, are not happy with the situation. Then theres the prime time zergs.