Fix the server or get a new DLC or some other gimmick?

PVP brothers and sisters for too long have we sat idle and allowed this unsat server performance keep us from playing during prime time without issue. Some of us have limited game time available and we choose to pvp. Shouldn’t ZOS back their product and provide us with the gaming experience so richly advertised? Should they focus time and resources and channel it into their lacking servers?

Fix the server or get a new DLC or some other gimmick? 7 votes

Yes for the love of all that is righteous FIX your servers ZOS to handle large scale battles and stop putting band aids on it!
DUTCH_REAPERLeifEricksonKatahdinLord-StienDivineFirstYOLObpmachete 6 votes
No. I want another DLC/content
MaisonNaevius 1 vote
No I want another reskinned Mount oh goody! Or some dang pet
I honestly don’t care.
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