Voice chat and Undaunted Pledges

Do people need voice chat to do pledges? I haven't done any yet but I'm keen to start and I would think voice chat would be a requirement but I don't know how that is integrated into the game.
  • redspecter23
    It can definitely help, but experienced players will do fine without it. PUGs likely don't bother with it often unless it's a DLC dungeon, often assuming players know the mechanics unless they speak up.

    If it's your first time, you can check out some guides or videos online if you want to prepare a bit and don't go in for voice chats.
  • aikidoshi
    Thanks mate. I'll do that.
  • Partomax
    Voice chat always helps but it's not a requirement at all. Most people run pledges with randoms and wont be using voice chat although if you are running it with your guild as an event it might happen, still pledges are often really easy for more experienced players and don't require voice communication, some dungeons (DLC) will require it though if you are going for veteran hardmode.
    PC/EU - This is a signature
  • El_Borracho
    All of the above are true, with one exception: Urgalarg Chief-bane's pledges. These are the harder dungeons where there are more mechanics. Voice chat is highly recommended, especially if you are doing vet
  • Ph0t0n
    Soul Shriven
    If you’ve learned the mechanics from faceroll normals, most Vet 1’s are pretty straightforward. There are a few fights that could benefit from vocal coordination (Planar Inhibitor in WGT) for example, but it’s not mandatory. Just run Fungal Grotto I etc a few times and work your way up until you have a feel for it.
  • qbit
    I can’t remeber mechanics or dungeons. I get the confused and just pray I don’t get a dlc dungeon. And I play on normal. Unless I’m drunk, I don’t take criticism well and have a natural apprehension of wasting peoples’ time. So I pretty much stopped doing pledges once I got the shoulders I wanted. And a very kind person on this forum carried me through vCoH with his amazing tank friend to get me the ilambris helm. And I didn’t even know I was carried. It was a fun run. And we would have had perfect no death hard mode if one guy hasn’t disconnected half way through.

    Voice chat not required but would be really helpful. I have some good guilds that would be happy to help me learn (and remember) mechanics if I would just join.

    I guess maybe what I’m trying to say while having a pint at the pub is not to sweat it and just have fun. I don’t think voice comms are necessary for any of the dungeons. But I’ve also only done one vet run on one dungeon. Best to tell group through text chat that you don’t know mechanics. If they kick you they kick you. Don’t take it personal.

    Now trials... I have a funny story about that. Not a profound story but it was funny to me from my perspective. Basically someone asked for trial DPS in zone chat. I was so confident from recent normal dungeon runs I was going to join. Joined and thoughtfuly read a summary on mechanics while others joined. Got about half way through and said to leader of the trial I said “umm. I don’t think I can do this..”. He was like “no it’s fine just join our discord” and sends the link. I don’t have discord installed but have a mic. I lie. “I don’t have a mic.” Because social anxiety and the fact it would take me some time to install and configure discord and get my mic setup so it sounds right. He says “it’s fine you just need to be able to hear.” I dropped from the group after apologizing and telling everyone I’m sorry for wasting their time but this isn’t going to be good for them with me in this role.

    Maybe it would have been fine. Maybe they would have carried me. Maybe I would have made new friends. I regret in hindsight not going through with the trial. I still have never ran a trial.

    I guess my rambling point is don’t sweat it and voice comms are not necessary for dungeons. Just group chat should be fine. And if someone flames at you, don’t take it personal. Try not to. Easier said than done.
    Edited by qbit on October 10, 2018 11:38PM
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