I would like to do Allaince, DLCs and Chapter quests lazily, experiencing the culture of different races. What order should I follow? I know that dragonbreak is going on and technically there's no strict order to do zones, but still I would like to focus on one race, than other and etc.
The easiest suggestion is DC: DC Alliance story - Craglorn - Orsinium to learn the culture of Bretons, Orcs and Redguards.
Next is a mess. EP alliance story - Vvardenfell - Clockwork city - ??? Following the story, next should be Summerset wich is out of my "racial order". And than, Murkmire.
So, the question is a kind of this: are stories of Vvardenfell, Clockwork city and Summerset strongly connected? What will I loose if I skip Summerset and go to Murkmire right after Clockwork?
If so, I could do AD story and Summerset last...