Small group of long time friends looking to recreate The DC Universe energy in game. As strange as it sounds, having DC characters in this game mechanically and game aesthetic works very well as long as you dont build a character who has flight.
So far we have:
Ras Alghul: Leqgue of Assassins
Sensai: League of Assassins
Tigris: League of Assassins
Shiva: League of Assassins
Ubu: League of Assassins
Wonder Woman
Queen Mera
Green Arrow
Thor (Jane Foster)
The Sandman
This is a small niche we would love to grow. Some of our people came from DCUO Online and other came from ESO.
Either way they are huge comic book fans and love the immersion found in the creativity within this game.
We also have Marvel characters as well. If youre interested, please message me here or my psn and be prepared to be immersed in comic book nerd world.
Edited by Lab3360 on January 24, 2019 7:13PM