Sophocles1 wrote: »Hmmmm...clearly I am a noob cuz that doesn’t seem all that bad....
Sophocles1 wrote: »Hmmm....I never timed my shields so precisely so definitely noobs will notice it less.
Oreyn_Bearclaw wrote: »Sophocles1 wrote: »Hmmm....I never timed my shields so precisely so definitely noobs will notice it less.
Actually, noobs will notice the most when things go live, especially in PVP. There are going to be a lot noobs going out like Elvis next patch (i.e., dying while taking a big sh....).
Sophocles1 wrote: »Hmmmm...clearly I am a noob cuz that doesn’t seem all that bad....
Oreyn_Bearclaw wrote: »Sophocles1 wrote: »Hmmm....I never timed my shields so precisely so definitely noobs will notice it less.
Actually, noobs will notice the most when things go live, especially in PVP. There are going to be a lot noobs going out like Elvis next patch (i.e., dying while taking a big sh....).
Elvis is dead!?!? Lol jj
Salvas_Aren wrote: »Healers will enjoy the cast time. By losing that second when shielding, they get damage instead of distributing damage or heals.
The heals that follow will be used for self-healing instead of party-healing.
I have a hard time trying to understand why this will improve the value of healers in the raid party.
Oreyn_Bearclaw wrote: »Sophocles1 wrote: »Hmmm....I never timed my shields so precisely so definitely noobs will notice it less.
Actually, noobs will notice the most when things go live, especially in PVP. There are going to be a lot noobs going out like Elvis next patch (i.e., dying while taking a big sh....).
Elvis is dead!?!? Lol jj
Shields will also now have dmg mitigation - the game will take in to account your armour (physical & spell resistance) and the dmg will be reduced by your armour mitigation - the rest will be absorbed by shields.Shields are gonna get crit hits, and there will be a 1second cast time. So no more "Oh ***" button.
This affects magicka builds OF ALL CLASSES
Sophocles1 wrote: »Hmmmm...clearly I am a noob cuz that doesn’t seem all that bad....
Sophocles1 wrote: »I can see that. But I figure we just anticipate with shields a little. Especially with bosses who are as predictable as clockwork. No?
Pvp...well, it is in pvp where I have seen the most vituperative in game chat- I guess that is the group that has made the game such a precise science that anything less than the perfection they have painstakingly worked out is super frustrating for them. So when they have literally cursed me out for five minutes Cuz I made an error in BGS, it makes sense they will be very angry when a global change is made. And I am not mocking them- they have taken the game to its utmost limit of precision so I see their frustration. But I kind of wish they would let it be more of a game and fun than an Olympic event.
Sophocles1 wrote: »Hmmmm...clearly I am a noob cuz that doesn’t seem all that bad....