This is the 2nd boss in march of sacrifices. I am pretty sure that most players who have done veteran MoS haven't even figured out what the mechanic is as she is very easy to burn down before mechanics are required. However, yesterday my pledge Group had quite low DPS and for the first time, I had to figure out how it forks (It was pretty fun actually).
The mechanic is that Aghaedh will summon 4 lurchers that represent one of the 4 seasons (autum, winter, spring and summer). Each lurcher drops "protection" synergy and once a "full year" has passed, Aghaedh will channel a big blast that kills everyone not protected by the lurcher synergy AND standing on the corrseponding little spriggan. The problem is that in order to kill all the lurchers in time, you must have so much damage that you could as well burn the main boss before full year has passed. Lurchers that survive over the year will enrage and hit really hard and it will get pretty difficult when the new lurchers also spawn. The protection is also quite inefficient and quite often our dds died even with protection becouse they were not at full hp when the explosion happened.
I'd suggest to increase main boss hp, reduce lurcher hp a little bit and in addition to that, increase the damage reduction when protected by the synergy.