Any word on why skill levels don't display on weapon bar slots while in skills menu?

As the title says... After opening up the skills menu and highlighting skills currently slotted on the weapon bar at the top of the UI, it no longer shows the level of the skill. This is a change first noticed with Wolfhunter, but I'll admit may have been in place following Summerset as I didn't do much skill rearranging until Wolfhunter dropped.

On newer characters especially, I like to keep a couple low-level skills slotted at all times to level them up during normal combat/questing, and used to do a quick check of their levels from the weapon bar within the skills menu rather than scrolling down 3 or 4 or 8 skill trees to open them up and find the particular skill in there.

Was this a designed change that missed the patch notes, or simply an unacknowledged bug that needs fixed?


Xbox NA

Darkness Falls: The Crusade survivor (you young kids will never know the struggle of text-based games)

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