Hey, so when I was younger I very much enjoyed the Tribunal expansion for Morrowind. I remember when the expansion was new and going into Mournhold for the first time, I saw the Mournhold Guard's armor and immediately wanted it. Long story short, I killed the guards and really did not get to do much my first run of the expansion hahaha.
Well, I remember years ago trying to recreate the look of the memorable armor with no success. The game was still new and didn't have the vast number of motifs it has today. Well, I think it can be done. Here's what I propose; we all take inspiration from the two attached images to create an outfit to share here. Could be fun, don't you think?

"Your mistake is you begged for your life, not for mercy. I will show you there are many fates worse than death."
Para Nostram
Bosmer Sorceress
Witch of Evermore
"Death is a privilege that can be denied by it's learned scholars."
Order of the Black Worm