I don't only play mag and stamina, so my vision isn't ultra-tinted like some on the forums. Dodging was working too well, in fact I moved my mag chars stam to 25-30K to join the rollers. Add in invis pot with rolling on live andEsp. if you have lots of healing stacked.
Salvas_Aren wrote: »You forgot the option
It's a bad change and I like it
ExcaliburESO wrote: »Salvas_Aren wrote: »You forgot the option
It's a bad change and I like it
No no that's the 5th option.
They should have gotten rid of passive dodge chance earlier. They should also change rng implosion somehow.
As a note, I don't agree with the shield cast time change.
The_Brosteen wrote: »
Of course now we will probably have more heavy armor nbs that also have 25% aoe mitigation so thats going to be sweet.
ExcaliburESO wrote: »They should have gotten rid of passive dodge chance earlier. They should also change rng implosion somehow.
As a note, I don't agree with the shield cast time change.
IMO all changes this patch are great and im looking forward how it gonna affect live server. Most ppl disagree but both roll dodge changes evasion and shields are great will balance game better. In the past it was usually like there was something strong like shieldstacking or defile build and zenimax was changing stuff but not touching pain points but in last 2 3 patches they adressing them all and it is amazing. I really hope the story of crying sorcs wont repeat like that time when zenimax was nerfing hunting curse and because of all the crying buffed it lol.
So imo major evasion roll dodging shieldstacking defile builds permablockers all had to go and finnaly they fix it, also do to that magicka sorcerers and stamina didnt get any serious nerfs in last patches meanwhile other classes did made ppl reroll sorcs i saw it so many times ppl i knew just leaving their high lvl pvp chars to reroll sorcs cuz it was so much more versatile for any type of pvp.
Now that the mighty nerf hammer hit the most played and exploited spec and class all ppl just got breakdown thats it. Hopefully zenimax wont step back and will make the needed ajustments and put it on live server and then we will have finnaly balanced pvp that we (ppl who dont reroll to bis class every patch) were waiting for so long.
ExcaliburESO wrote: »I talked with quite a few exp magicka nbs and they were pretty happy with shield changes and with nb skill changes.
kylewwefan wrote: »I’m gonna let you in on a top secret little known thing for stamina DW users. Damage shield glyphs. They’re gonna be even better now....
ExcaliburESO wrote: »I talked with quite a few exp magicka nbs and they were pretty happy with shield changes and with nb skill changes.
So it seems the class that is dominating right now isn't getting nerfed, but others are.
ExcaliburESO wrote: »ExcaliburESO wrote: »I talked with quite a few exp magicka nbs and they were pretty happy with shield changes and with nb skill changes.
So it seems the class that is dominating right now isn't getting nerfed, but others are.
Magblade require more skill and they are squishier in terms of a duel (if not counting using cloak), not talking that all their skill set is reflectable (nope no hunting curses or spam of crushing shock). When im fighting a sorcerer i see dude in shields with pretty much better shield than a magblade can afford, in middle of mines surrounder by pets that interupt u and annoy jumping around and litterally doing shield shield hunting curse mages wrath meteor rune cage frag kill anything in heavy armor.
ExcaliburESO wrote: »Jesus, why sorcs had to have 3rd bar somehow i guess u didnt know it before... and ye guess what sorc is easily teleraphed well wasnt ez since they had broken cc that would bug anything and my only way to kill a sorc (that is not a complete scrub) by bugging them out with their own cc..