Does anyone else agree that since Morrowind it seems that Zenimax has double downed on the one thing that MMOs need to suck players into the game? And that is, the drip, drip, drip of experience from quests.
A good example is the opening quest-line for Morrowind, Divine Conundrum. You are told to investigate the Andrano Ancestral Tomb after a small cut-scene. You meet Canon Llevule and talk to him, traverse the whole tomb, meet him outside. This is where you should have gotten a small chunk of experience, but no. Now you are told to go to see Vivec. You go see him. Again, a good time to get experience but no, not yet. He wants you to go see Archcanon Tarvus. So you go speak to him. Still no quest experience. Now it is off to Overseer Shiralas. Nope, no experience. Now it time to clear the passage for the workers and get the Blessing Stone. Nope, no experience, back to Archcanon Tarvus. No experience, start the ritual. Finish it then talk to Vivec. You get a total of 5% experience.
I've talked to 6 of my friends, some of them WoW transplants, some play FFXIV, some GW2, and some play ESO. All of them have played ESO at one time or another and every single one of them agree this is the singular worst issue the game has. You can argue that maybe this quest-line should have given 7% or 8% experience, that's fine. But at the bare minimum, maybe the 5% should have been split up somewhere in the middle of that quest-line. All of us feel that at a certain point a player gets frustrated that they aren't gaining experience while questing and could get more just killing mobs.
Does anyone else agree that this game needs more smaller chunks of experience so the player feels a better sense of accomplishment?