stitchesofdooom wrote: »I'm pretty untrusting of people in general. Experience.
Could you tweak the crown store gifting system so that people can gift but with a "Cash on Delivery" function so the need for trust when selling crown items to people is removed. There's always that one guy qho will happily screw you over.
stitchesofdooom wrote: »I'm pretty untrusting of people in general. Experience.
Could you tweak the crown store gifting system so that people can gift but with a "Cash on Delivery" function so the need for trust when selling crown items to people is removed. There's always that one guy qho will happily screw you over.
stitchesofdooom wrote: »I'm pretty untrusting of people in general. Experience.
Could you tweak the crown store gifting system so that people can gift but with a "Cash on Delivery" function so the need for trust when selling crown items to people is removed. There's always that one guy qho will happily screw you over.
Words like gift and trust might ring a little bell here? Why would you not trust someone to receive a gift? Exactly, only deal with trusted people, anything else could end in tears.
Sheezabeast wrote: »Many people simply acrue Crowns from their subs. If they are sitting on unused Crowns and want to exchange them for game gold, why not?
Anyone who thinks this is likened to selling game gold for cash on the black market is out of touch with the reality of how much Crown packs cost, and how impractical it is to spend real money to invest in in game gold, at a fluctuating, changing, not set in stone exchange rate that players agree upon between themselves and the buyer.
People don’t bat an eye at selling dungeon skins, but this takes the cake? Really?
Also I support OPs idea of COD.
It makes sense that this is implemented if gold for crowns (cash) really is going to remain a legitimate thing. However I think they kinda of organically fell into this hence no real mechanism.
Personally I think this is a really bad path for the game, and actually @stitchesofdooom im suprised you are ok with it given the other things in your signiture.
Legitimising real world cash for gold in game is an unhappy path, personally a way bigger wrong than Crown Crates which dont impact other players.
Gifting for COD , will you then also be charged an INSANE cod fee because you're selling something that costs 1 million gold ? , i think any seller of their crowns would tell you to go take a hike , personally i have no issues selling crowns and if you ever need anything on PC NA , feel free to get in touch with me ingame@Callumdk
50% of my sales are from the trading guilds im part of , the rest i picked up in zone chat
As you can see there is so many sales i i'd need to be able to drag the window in order to show every sale, ofc it doesn't count those that expire after 14 days , but thats why i take a SS after every sale
stitchesofdooom wrote: »LOL, MAKE YOUR MINDS UP, PEOPLE:
When I make a thread saying that the Banker and Merchant assistants are a rip-off, people tell me that I should be subscribing and then I'd get crowns. Thay they're worth the cost. That 7 months of subs (more than the cost of the base game at launch) is fair and paying monthly is how it should be.
When I suggest a way to make this new buying crown items from people for gold thing a bit safer, I'm told how it's a shady business practice because changing real money for an in game currency is somehow devious.
So NOW Crowns should be treated as real money, and real money should not be squandered?
LukosCreyden wrote: »stitchesofdooom wrote: »LOL, MAKE YOUR MINDS UP, PEOPLE:
When I make a thread saying that the Banker and Merchant assistants are a rip-off, people tell me that I should be subscribing and then I'd get crowns. Thay they're worth the cost. That 7 months of subs (more than the cost of the base game at launch) is fair and paying monthly is how it should be.
When I suggest a way to make this new buying crown items from people for gold thing a bit safer, I'm told how it's a shady business practice because changing real money for an in game currency is somehow devious.
So NOW Crowns should be treated as real money, and real money should not be squandered?
@stitchesofdooom fun fact for you; this forum is made up of lots of different people with different opinions.