Darios_Heliodromos wrote: »I'm hoping that Pyandonea will one day be released as a chapter alongside the ability to create Maomer characters.
Maomer content would be interesting and Id love to explore their lore more, but I can't see how they could do a playable race story wise.
The Maomer have been repeatedly and periodically attacking the aldmeri for generations, now they are just going to forget that and work for the queen (AD story)?
Doesn't make sense.
Darios_Heliodromos wrote: »I'm hoping that Pyandonea will one day be released as a chapter alongside the ability to create Maomer characters.
WhiteCoatSyndrome wrote: »Maomer content would be interesting and Id love to explore their lore more, but I can't see how they could do a playable race story wise.
The Maomer have been repeatedly and periodically attacking the aldmeri for generations, now they are just going to forget that and work for the queen (AD story)?
Doesn't make sense.
Consider, though: how would this make less sense than a Redguard or a Dunmer working for the Dominion? They aren't a race of hive-mind clones, individuals are allowed to break from the norm.
I’d want and need to see a solid lore justification, though. There is no precident (except one quest in Summerset) for Maomer who have anything other than hostile intent. @Katahdin is right that there is currently not viable in lore. Something would need to be added to explain it... and their absence in later eras.
WhiteCoatSyndrome wrote: »I’d want and need to see a solid lore justification, though. There is no precident (except one quest in Summerset) for Maomer who have anything other than hostile intent. @Katahdin is right that there is currently not viable in lore. Something would need to be added to explain it... and their absence in later eras.
You mean other than them allying outright with Aldmeri Dominion 2.0? They were perfectly happy to treat with Potema too if the Wolf Queen was anything to go by. And one of the guards in Kynarthi's Roost has a crush on a Khajiit. And there were Maormer in Anvil who, while rude, were not actively invading. Even ignoring all that there's no good reason for them not to ally with the Pact or Covenant against the Dominion - they were perfectly happy to ally with Estre and she's an Altmer!
I can see them in DC or EP but no way would they fit in AD. The other races fit because of all being part of the Empire. Maomer have been ongoing enemies of the Altmer and those 2 cultures mutually hate each other. There is no way to justify a Maomer player being able to get anywhere near Ayrenn.
lvl50 Characters: Toxlexel (Argonian Templar PvE Healer, EP) Grove-of-Trees-Swaying (Argonian Vampire NB PvE Tank, EP) Kazabi-daro (Khajiit DK PvE DPS, AD)- build under renovation |
Iroas Candaalil (Maormer [Dunmer] PvE Sorc DPS, EP, vMA build)- build under renovation Trick-of-the-Light(Argonian Warden PvE Healer, EP) Characters being leveled: Meera-Ei (Argonian DK PvP Tank, EP, Grove's sister) |
Darios_Heliodromos wrote: »I'm hoping that Pyandonea will one day be released as a chapter alongside the ability to create Maomer characters.
I would love more Maormer content too! I’d love to know why they’re forever attacking the AD territories, hopefully moving them from a one dimensional baddie group to something more nuanced.
Why is everyone so obsessed with playable races... Like geez there's 10 already.
Make an altmer, get a skin that fits maormer, get blind eyes cosmetic, roleplay it.
LittlePinkDot wrote: »Darios_Heliodromos wrote: »I'm hoping that Pyandonea will one day be released as a chapter alongside the ability to create Maomer characters.
That would be cool. But the writers would have to find away around the fact that as far as I know, moarmer are hostile to every race. I cant see them just letting outsiders go wherever they like on their islands, especially an altmer.