Waffennacht wrote: »Build a selfish tank - it's better to be successful at survival and doing your job than buffing allies. If you can't live you can't help. This will really help you learn
Do normal dungeons first, just to get a feel, should be easy to clear and will help build confidence
Run in and taunt everything - this way you won't miss your most important job
Focus on keeping aggro and survival. Then try to keep enemies facing away from allies.
How I've been doing a dlc dungeon pug style is: do normal version about 6 or so times, get so familiar with the layout, enemies and try to learn mechanics.
With PuGs you may get a really good group and won't learn much about mechanics or a mediocre group and can learn mechanics. - I've been prepping March and each time I PuG I've noticed new things.
Once you're comfortable start getting into more difficult content. Your own nervousness is probably more difficult to get around than the actual dungeon (was for me lol)
Have fun, if you have fun you'll actually do better and learn more
Tanking can be a very rewarding experience.
My current Warden tank:
Grace of Gloom x5
Bloodspawn x2
Plague Doctor x5
SnB, lightning staff (using infused staff + stamina return glyph - really helps blocking cuz blockade will keep triggering Stam return)
SnB bar: Heroic Slash, Pierce Armor, Gripping Shards, Artic Blast, Leaching Vines - shield wall
Staff bar- blockade (also concussion/off balance), blue betty, bone shield, inner rage, and deceptive predator - Permafrost
Health and Stam/mag regen food (bear Haunch if you have the money/items)
x3 mag regen Glyphs
as many sturdy traits as you can have
Serpent Mundus
Selfish AF - but really reduces the need for a good healer, you deal some damage (something like 7k dps.... Does help) had everyone die during a marches run last night and I could survive and rez while tanking bosses (kinda important for a PuG)
Remember, have fun!