I've started playing this game almost a month ago and it was quite interesting and fun at the beginning. Now, when i've approached to some actual content, like endgame dungeons and bg's, i've realised this grouping system is completely broken. How do you f up something basic like this? Like, there is so many factors that prevent me from just enjoying the game, because group queue could just stuck and form group for eternity, until you realise it and relog. It could send you hundreds of messages with "someone declined the invite" and after it will force the whole group to alt+f4, because loading screen is taking forever. You could *** your keyboard by pressing F button over and over again while waiting for bg's, and after finally getting into it you see that groups are not even fully formed, so you forced to leave with a deserter penalty again and again.
I've actually expected to visit forum and see a *** of complains about this but there is no such thing, so it's obviously that ZOS will just continue making new fancy dlc's instead of fixing major problems.
Can i please just have fun with your 80$ game? In it's current state it sucks the biggest tentacles of Hermaeus Mora.
while waiting for bg's, and after finally getting into it you see that groups are not even fully formed, so you forced to leave with a deserter penalty again and again.
Repeatably.DaveMoeDee wrote: »Actually, they fixed group finder. And then broke it again. So they aren't actually ignoring GF.
I've started playing this game almost a month ago and it was quite interesting and fun at the beginning. Now, when i've approached to some actual content, like endgame dungeons and bg's, i've realised this grouping system is completely broken. How do you f up something basic like this? Like, there is so many factors that prevent me from just enjoying the game, because group queue could just stuck and form group for eternity, until you realise it and relog. It could send you hundreds of messages with "someone declined the invite" and after it will force the whole group to alt+f4, because loading screen is taking forever. You could *** your keyboard by pressing F button over and over again while waiting for bg's, and after finally getting into it you see that groups are not even fully formed, so you forced to leave with a deserter penalty again and again.
I've actually expected to visit forum and see a *** of complains about this but there is no such thing, so it's obviously that ZOS will just continue making new fancy dlc's instead of fixing major problems.
Can i please just have fun with your 80$ game? In it's current state it sucks the biggest tentacles of Hermaeus Mora.
You know if you load into a group of two or three in Battlegrounds the game continues to try and fill your team as the match goes, and there is a 30sec wait time before the start to give your team a chance to be filled. Kind of a waste to just immediately leave like that without giving it a chance to find more players.
Bear in mind also that in any MMO these days, a group finder tool is really only a last resort and even when fully working will only give you a random PUG that's unlikely to work well together. If you're seriously into group content then you're far better off joining a decent guild and running with them.
Sailor_Palutena wrote: »I'm about to complete a month into the game and besides some bugs here and there, I'm a veteran in Bethesda games to name a few: Oblivion, Skyrim (PC/Switch), Fallout 3, New Vegas and 4... so nothing that gives me a real bad impression. I knew what to expect and compared to the aforementioned games, I am having a blast.