Sheezabeast wrote: »I’m genuinely curious, why do you think sorcs need to outshine NBs? NBs might be overtuned, but they each have their own utility and strengths. Why do you want to outdo them so bad?
Sheezabeast wrote: »I’m genuinely curious, why do you think sorcs need to outshine NBs? NBs might be overtuned, but they each have their own utility and strengths. Why do you want to outdo them so bad?
bloodthirstyvampire wrote: »Mag Sorcs finally getting nerfs and now they want to complain, try playing anything else for the past 2 years.
LukosCreyden wrote: »@Hal_Moore purposefully being incredibly vague is not going to fool anyone. MagSorc needs some adjustments, that is all.
Race changed my woodelf thief blade to a highelf mnb...
Posted in the other sorc thread, but make sense to post here as well...
Here's a guildmate of mine, Despotic. You may have seen his channel. He plays battlegrounds frequently and has a very high MMR.
Ive been playing magsorc since I started playing again after one tam, the state the class is in currently is just sad. Sorcs have been made into noob and nb killers in pvp and only shine in pve when it comes to killing large amounts of trash, even then we are arguably out shined by nightblades.
Our sustain is terrible. our burst in pvp is lower and slower than nbs, predictable easily blocked and healed through. heals are sub par to every single class. execute while strong in pvp (one of the FEW things that still gives this class a heartbeat) is weaker than nb in pve by alot. light armor and shield where sorcs find their strength are less favorable to every other class in heavy armor. pve damage and lighting damage are lower than nbs by 10-15k easily. we lack the set support for our class where nbs have sets that are all but tailor made for them with nbs getting a set to utilize every patch while sorcs are still in lambris, juli, necro, mothers sorrow (ill give you siroria is a plus).
Race changed my woodelf thief blade to a highelf mnb geared it out in purple and FIRST dps test I was hitting withing 4k of my highelf magsorc in fully gold gear that I have practiced the rotation of for over a year, while trying to squeeze every last bit of dps out of it.
I really hope update 20 lets gives me a reason to go back to my favorite class
Posted in the other sorc thread, but make sense to post here as well...
Here's a guildmate of mine, Despotic. You may have seen his channel. He plays battlegrounds frequently and has a very high MMR. Before everyone screams his score is from stealing kills, no one in this match (except for him, meaning kills were stolen from him) has double digits in assists, meaning he stole very few kills.
The results speak for themselves.
31/0/ a high MMR match with little if any kill steals.
As a sorc myself, all the whining over the class is getting embarrassing. It's like a little kid with a shiny new toy(sorc), but crying because the kid across the street (nightblade) is just a tad more shiny.
Here's my PvE geared sorc (all divines, no impen, one shield, no rune cage) in a battleground last night.
Sorcs are in a good place. Stop whining because you're not number one. It's damn embarrassing for the rest of us who still can play sorc.
Or keep stompin your feet like silly spoiled kids...whatever...
oxygen_thief wrote: »
what? i doubt it is a high level mmr fight. i have never saw enemies with 5th pvp rank even with my low-mid tier. i already have the same rank on my new 26 lvl char. 800k of damage per 31 frag its a joke. it looks like it was a fight against noobs in med divines. yeah its good to spam abilities while your mates tank for you and take almost all inc damage. but when he was outnumbered the only thing he was able to do is a shieldstacking and running around a pillar. its so op nerf sorcs
Posted in the other sorc thread, but make sense to post here as well...
Here's a guildmate of mine, Despotic. You may have seen his channel. He plays battlegrounds frequently and has a very high MMR. Before everyone screams his score is from stealing kills, no one in this match (except for him, meaning kills were stolen from him) has double digits in assists, meaning he stole very few kills.
The results speak for themselves.
31/0/ a high MMR match with little if any kill steals.
As a sorc myself, all the whining over the class is getting embarrassing. It's like a little kid with a shiny new toy(sorc), but crying because the kid across the street (nightblade) is just a tad more shiny.
Here's my PvE geared sorc (all divines, no impen, one shield, no rune cage) in a battleground last night.
Sorcs are in a good place. Stop whining because you're not number one. It's damn embarrassing for the rest of us who still can play sorc.
Or keep stompin your feet like silly spoiled kids...whatever...
if we want to prove something with videos i can post here 1000's videos of NB's making messacre while they are crying abut how NB'S week
i Can post video here DK make 1v10 and kill all of them while they were whining DK is the worst class in ESO for PVP
i can Post video Here About Templar That never die and get out between 20+ People without die and even take some kill still
and people cry outload that they leave game cuz Templar class died.
So u cant prove anything that one persons play on sorc in one video and took kills.
if we want to prove something with videos i can post here 1000's videos of NB's making messacre while they are crying abut how NB'S week
i Can post video here DK make 1v10 and kill all of them while they were whining DK is the worst class in ESO for PVP
i can Post video Here About Templar That never die and get out between 20+ People without die and even take some kill still
and people cry outload that they leave game cuz Templar class died.
So u cant prove anything that one persons play on sorc in one video and took kills.
bloodthirstyvampire wrote: »Mag Sorcs finally getting nerfs and now they want to complain, try playing anything else for the past 2 years.
Ive been playing magsorc since I started playing again after one tam, the state the class is in currently is just sad. Sorcs have been made into noob and nb killers in pvp and only shine in pve when it comes to killing large amounts of trash, even then we are arguably out shined by nightblades.
Our sustain is terrible. our burst in pvp is lower and slower than nbs, predictable easily blocked and healed through. heals are sub par to every single class. execute while strong in pvp (one of the FEW things that still gives this class a heartbeat) is weaker than nb in pve by alot. light armor and shield where sorcs find their strength are less favorable to every other class in heavy armor. pve damage and lighting damage are lower than nbs by 10-15k easily. we lack the set support for our class where nbs have sets that are all but tailor made for them with nbs getting a set to utilize every patch while sorcs are still in lambris, juli, necro, mothers sorrow (ill give you siroria is a plus).
Race changed my woodelf thief blade to a highelf mnb geared it out in purple and FIRST dps test I was hitting withing 4k of my highelf magsorc in fully gold gear that I have practiced the rotation of for over a year, while trying to squeeze every last bit of dps out of it.
I really hope update 20 lets gives me a reason to go back to my favorite class
Didn't say Nerf sorcs, did I ? I said all the crying is ridiculously out of control because one class out performs. I'm saying sorcs still are extremely good despite not being the top class. It's not even logical to pretend otherwise. Quiting on your class because it's not the top class is the most cry baby thing I've ever seen. It's absurd.
And this made me laugh...."only thing he was able to do is a shield stacking.."
Go ahead and please ignore for most of this video he isn't even around any teammates. Don't know where the comment his team is tanking for him comes from. He's alone for most of this fight.
Forums: "sorcs need shield stacking, it's our only defense!"
Also Forums: "ppfffgtt...all he could do when he was in trouble was shield stacking"
Great logic as always. Can't have that argument both ways. See... embarrassing.
Sheezabeast wrote: »I’m genuinely curious, why do you think sorcs need to outshine NBs? NBs might be overtuned, but they each have their own utility and strengths. Why do you want to outdo them so bad?