Shokasegambit1 wrote: »You should check out the last passive on the Psijic skill line that's a RIP also... I stopped reporting stuff but good luck on your post.
LiquidPony wrote: »
Did you test it on PTS?
I'm a console player, so I don't have access to the PTS. I wish I had been able to participate. Since werewolf resistances were one of the things that were changed this patch, making sure that they were working correctly should have been job one. Unfortunately it seems pretty obvious that neither ZOS nor the playtesters bothered to do so. Instead we get stuck waiting months for a fix to a bug that should have been caught before Wolfhunter went live.
It never got changed, just moved to the passives. And the "missing resistance" doesn´t show in your character sheet either. So unless you specifically look for it, you would never have noticed it. And we´ve no idea when during the PTS cycles this bug appeared.
And it´s incredibly easy to say "You should´ve checked for it" when you´ve all the answers now afterwards.
And the werewolf resistance bug isn´t unique, many other sets and abilities are acting weird when it comes to resistance values not being accurate. Many bugs were found during the PTS (for example a bug that I found that made it possible to have 9 extra werewolfs with the pack-leader passive), so it´s not like people didn´t test things.